Short break

[Edited] Having a debate on “gun control” makes people less inclined to “listen”? I would feel that those willing to learn would be willing to read why “gun control” does not work.

@Dave17 edited.

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Thank you for your service.
I took that same oath 50 years ago. It was an oath to defend the constitution. Not any government or anybody in it.

God Bless America


Why do you feel the need to question him about it?


Yeah, I have been using Your for years lol . Will have to make that correction

Roger that brother :us:

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Are you feeling guilty?

This is not to be taken as me condoning or encouraging any particular actions or behaviors, but bear in mind that the oath you speak of is and was 100% to our nation’s people, and 0% to our nation’s government.


@Larry277 Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you here. :us: