Safety tips for parens of school-age kids

My adult daughter and I were running errands over the holiday weekend and she said she’d never have a stick family stickers on the back of her car. She pointed to the car in front of us with the stick family stickers and a school bumper sticker on their car. She said, they just gave some creep insight on the age of their kids and what sex each age is. :woman_facepalming: (Yes, she did the facepalm.)

“I won’t advertise my daughter is a student at xyz school so she can be stalked by a pedophile,” she said.

That came back to me earlier this week as I was driving past a school on our first day of school and a lot of cars advertise the school and have stick figure stickers.

What tips do you give parents to help protect their school-age kids?

One of my favorite, get rid of the backpacks with your child’s name on it.


Didn’t we go over something similar in another thread a few months back?

HIDE your flipping electronics, including chargers! No stickers indicating a school or family size, if your significant other is deployed, don’t advertise that either.


Smart daughter…I’ve been reading and YouTubeing Gray Man tactics. The idea is to become invisible in the crowd. Much of this logic can be applied to your family also.

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You raised a smart young lady. I have told this to my wife long time ago. This is why I don’t use Facebook or Twitter or any other type of social media that people can follow and figure out your daily routines and plans. Facebook is one of the worst to me. I have actually known people that live on Facebook and put on their “going away on vacation, see you when we get back” and while they’re gone their house gets broken into and they did everything right, they left the lights on, set their security system. But lo and behold because the criminals knew they were going to be gone they got robbed.

When my son started using social media I told him there’s some ground rules. 1# never say your real name. 2# be careful what you say and what information you give out.3# before shooting a video look behind you and see if there’s anything indicating where you live. In reality we can’t stop our kids completely from getting online and being on social media. are schools are using computers and the internet to teach our kids so it’s almost impossible to hide them from cyber threats.

Sitting down and talking with your kids most important, letting them know that you’re not trying to stop them from having fun you’re just trying to make sure they stay smart to prevent any crazy people out there from ruining that fun