RUH ROE RELROY! Look who's hand is in the Cookie Jar!

Floridian’s and The rest of AMERICA watch out.
WE KNOW the enemy is crossing into our country
We KNOW somebody HAS A PLAN for this action
(But does anyone have a plan to thwart it?)
We KNOW it’s up to us to Protect our own
(There is NO Calvary to come over the hill to save us when SHTF!)
It’s not time to panic, but it is time to prepare
(and I know a lot of you ARE preparing, Just giving you proof that Bad Sh** is happening)

Maybe they are just having a really awesome BBQ! … could happen ?


You know that fear is the best way to control people… don’t you?

I’m pretty sure one of the XXX agencies took care of it… I’m gonna sleep well.
I’m actually more concern about people buying illegally C4, not propane tanks in Home Depot.

“You find out very soon who I am.”


Still never found. :thinking:

60,000 pounds of explosive chemical ammonium nitrate lost in shipping: report - Bullet Points - USCCA Community (



If they are up to no good they aren’t being very discreet about it. Would have been much smarter to make a lot of separate trips for a few tanks at a time if they wanted to make sure they could get away with some sort of terrorist act.

Maybe they have read all the stories about how fragile our electric grid is and are making sure all their friends and family have a way to cook their meals for awhile. Or maybe they have some propane fridges, stoves and heaters they need to keep going? Some of those cans look like they have been getting a lot of use for quite some time.


Yeah… let’s go with that. Seems harmless to me.



Or maybe :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: BOOM!

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I’ve never loaded up 30 propane tanks at once before but when I worked for a hiking organization many decades ago one of my jobs every season was to fill up all the propane tanks for all the field crews. Probably had at least 15 tanks just like those in the back of the truck. I drove very carefully back to the headquarters after filling them:)

Lots of reasons to load up lots of tanks at once. I would be curious but wouldn’t be pulling out my firearm and holding them at gunpoint till LEOs arrived.


Another quote from the illegal who said “You will find out very soon who I am.” “You are not smart enough to know who I am.”

Seems plausible they don’t feel a need to be discreet.


Would be much smarter if we were vetting all the people crossing the border so we could know who he is instead of letting people walk across freely. But I try not to judge people based on snippets of what they say from journalists who may or may not have an agenda. Especially if English isn’t their first language.

I have worked with more than a few people of a variety of ethnicities who get testy and even sometimes make threatening statements if they want to be left alone but someone keeps hounding them. Ran into this the most when I worked in a factory with a bunch of workers who legally emmigrated from Greece. Hearing threatening statements was an almost daily occurance there. None of those threats were ever acted upon.


Well, I’m judging all the time, you’re a better man than I. :face_with_peeking_eye:


I think it’s very likely we have some attacks here soon. It is even possible these guys with the propane tanks or the guy with the threatening words for the reporter might someday be involved in one of them.

But odds are equally good if not more so that these guys just needed a lot of propane for legal uses and the guy crossing the boarder was just pissed because he felt he was being accused of being a terrorist and or just wanted to be left alone.


Look Shamrock,

What’s the old saying ‘Calling a spade a spade?’ (No insult to shovels here)
But what will it take for you to clearly see the threat(s), the pieces of the Terror Puzzle fitting ?
Honest to GOD man, we are indeed in the sh** and it’s rising higher every day!
I AM NOT a Chicken Little running around the yard flapping my wings
but just the last few days can you NOT see the Threat Condition rising?
SCOTUS decision is a cluster phuck! How could they?


Billy Joel says “You may be wrong, but you may be right”.


Yes he did Brother
but his ending comment in the dvd 'Last play @ Shea (stadium)

‘Don’t take any SH** from anybody!’


Another BJ fan! Who’da thunk it?


The threat has been rising for years. But the biggest threat will be the reaction to whatever attack or false flag takes place.

Then the game is on and the groups that will be labeled as threats will start being dealt with so the government can show they are taking care of the problem and have an excuse for stealing the last of our freedoms. Right at the top of that list of threats wont be the Muslims and illegal aliens who may or may not have had anything to do with the future attacks, it will be all of us self defense minded firearms owners. We are the biggest threat to the authoritarians. Those authoritarians pulling the strings behind the scenes are a much bigger threat to us than all the illegal immigrants crossing the border put together.


As Scott52 so aptly pointed out in another thread, Article 1 section 10 says "No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay. A key part of war is setting up defensive positions.


I GET your side of the argument, I truly do. But it ALL becomes moot if we lose our liberty.


Oh LOOK Fellas! Another 'Migrant Burrito! Red or Green with dat?

I hope they used ‘Irish Spring’! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: believe it or not…

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