Renew your permit?

Wisconsin has had concealed carry since 2011. The permits last for 5 years before you have to renew. I had to renew my permit for the first time two years ago. It was painless online with the obligatory government fees. I had the new permit in hand in less than a week.

Have you renewed? How was the renewal experience?

Not sure how to renew your permit you can find details on our reciprocity map:

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Still waiting on my original permit. Turns out when they say, “phone number including area code,” they don’t want JUST the area code. :man_facepalming: Clearly I wasn’t thinking that day… It’s been a month since I mailed it in, and only 4 days since I resent it. I’m hoping I’ll have it by Christmas.

UPDATE: guess what came in the mail today!!! :man_dancing:


One of my Texas friends just put in his renewal online - took him about a minute. I’ll report back on update time when it comes in :smiley:

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Between our first Georgia permits and renewal we moved counties so the process was a new agency and locations. The Sergeant who took our applications and did the conformational prints was professional and amicable. We were in and out within an hour and the County’s Probate Court processed and mailed out our documents in good order. One difference of note, Stockbridge County had an electronic printing system, our current residency was still using ink and cardboard forms. I’ll be coming due for renewal again shortly. Five year cycle.


Just have to take a class, shoot and qualify, send info online and pay the fee. 30 or 60 days I think? Mine expires in about a year, so will have to see how early they say to send in the stuff.

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Oregon is another visit to the County Sherrifs office…

Anyone renew a Utah Permit as an out of state?

Mine is up in about a year…

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That’s hilarious, @Terence1! Glad you “jinxed” yourself in a good way!


You will be able to tell that I have been carrying for six years.
The reason I bring that up is because in Arkansas we get several notifications when it is time to renew our drivers license or car tags, but no one lets us know that our conceal carry license is expiring.
I spotted it seven months after it was expired. I had even gotten stopped and checked out and the policeman didn’t even catch it.
I had to start completely over to get my license back, from training and shooting to re fingerprinting and full fees.
This time when my license came in I put a reminder at three months before it will expire and then again at two months before it will expire, into my calendar on my iphone.
Do they give you a reminder in other states?

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Renewed mine Jan. 2020, no problem. Reading a CT gun forum on Reddit and sounds like a lot of folks are getting massive delays…Going to the club tomorrow, weather permitting, with my neighbor who moved here from NY. They got their permits pretty quickly, but as I’ve mentioned before, we’re not like the rest of the state. Guy wants to buy an “other” AR based CT specialty, so he started picking my brain today,and thinking it may be a good idea to pick up a lower tomorrow and show him how to get more for less.
Utah permit 2 years ago, had to take a class, but things went smoothly. FL permit last year felt like Fred Flintstone, everything via snail mail and they didn’t accept my CT permit as training. Each delay was 5 weeks, until the webmaster helped out and forwarded stuff I’d email to him/her. Fortunately, local PD had my certification and made me a copy.

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Yeah, got a reminder and paperwork iirc here in CT.
My state loves takin’ your money.

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Seems to me the slow down is political. If they could Process a permit in our State ever five minutes that is $ 750. Bucks an hour.

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Well, Lalalamont did have that 83 page infringement plan that got knocked down to 3, so you might be on to something.
ATF has $400 of mine…and it’s been sitting for almost a year now.

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AZ used to send a notification when you need to renew but apparently stopped doing that sometime after my last renewal without informing me of the change. I realized this a month before mine expired. Had to mail everything in with a certified check. It was supposed to be a 75 day turn around but it took them 90 days just to cash the check and start the background check process. Still waiting. Very disappointed in the changes and speed of service. Fortunately AZ went constitutional carry awhile ago but I have no reciprocity with other states at the moment!