Red gun

I’ve had a similar experience. I had a medical emergency and needed to be transported to the hospital. My wife was at work, and Hospital’s were/are a NoNo place. I was going in and out of consciousness. They were prepping me for an emergency surgery. My wife comes in and she knows that I carry. She leans over me and asks if I am carrying. I get this huge adrenaline surge, and tell them I need to see a LEO. They are kind of freaked but they got me one. My wife asks them if she can have the room. I’m out of by this time. She gets the LEO to take custody until I am taken for surgery.

It turned out to be ok. But man I came so close to a Federal beef on CC.


Sounds like you need to move to rural America. A rural area is one where you can fire a gun outside your home and cops do not show up.

My wife and I moved from Bridgewater, New Jersey (which competes with CA for the most draconian gun laws) to rural Colorado where I have a range on my property. Big improvement in many ways.


Sounds like you have a great wife. Glad she was looking out for you.

My wife has her CCW for the state we live in. She has never carried. This type of thing is one very good reason for the spouse to have her CCW.


My wife and daughter both have their CCP. My wife actually shoots a full frame .45, my daughter has a Shield M&P easy .380

Just because I am so proud of my daughter.


I agree that it’s not a good idea to stand with any kind of gun pointing out a window that folks can see. On the other hand, If your neighbor truly believe that you might have been a heathen with a real threat, he was some kind of stupid to confront you about it.


Out of curiosity, why was the hospital a federal off limits location? (Or even state off limits for that matter)

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Because it is a school as well.

Like the hospital is also a K-12 school?

well he was lucky he didn’t get a live fire round and they could claim self defense

This Hospital :hospital:. Would be a wonder of the world :earth_americas::earth_africa:. If it wasn’t so patchwork, and old. It’s 4+ square miles of interconnected buildings and yes there is a magnet school in one parcel.

Your next question is going to be how. I don’t honestly know, but I know first hand that there have been convictions over carrying firearms on the property. Signs in Alabama do not carry the force of law.

Except on this property.


My next question is, did you not have a permit for the state you were in at the time?

I am not a lawyer, cannot give legal advice, and will not interpret the law. But. Everything I can find indicates that having a permit for that state nullifies the federal law about a gun at a school, that’s why there are states where it’s legal to carry at a school and many states where it’s legal to carry for pickup/dropoff


Federal Gun-Free School Zones Act

Congress passed the Federal Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990 (GFSZA) and it was amended in 1995 to prevent guns being carried near schools. It states that one cannot knowingly possess a firearm in a school zone. “School zone” is defined as “in, or on the grounds of, a public, parochial or private school; or within 1,000 feet of the grounds of a public, parochial or private school.” It includes all public roads and sidewalks within that 1,000-foot buffer zone. It does not apply on private property, to a licensed concealed firearm permittee or an unloaded weapon in a locked container/rack. It should be noted that the firearm permittee exemption only applies in the state that issued your permit/license, not any states with reciprocity.

18 U.S. Code § 922(q)

“The bill allows exceptions for those licensed to carry firearms (only 14 states allowed concealed carry prior to 1990), law enforcement officers and contractors employed and authorized by the school”

Perhaps AL makes it illegal to carry there, but it wouldn’t seem to be a federal beef unless you were carrying without a permit or maybe were out of state, and it also counted as a K-12 school?

Again I’m not a lawyer but it seems to indidate that it’s not federally illegally if you have a permit from your state. It would seem weird for the federal law to apply, or not apply, based on the state’s laws (like it would seem weird to me [not a lawyer] if it was federally illegal in one state but not federally illegal in another)

Really, was not me saying I didn’t know how, enough? I have had my permit for a very long time. This Hospital is

A) :star:Not :star::star: private :star::star: property :star:
B) Has special dispensation from the Legislature (think Disney world, they have their own Police Force, their own Emergency Services, their own rulemaking authority).
C) The Hospital and University buildings sprawl all over the place. The Emergency Room I went is attached to a building that is well within 1,000 feet of an elementary school. There are actually 2 elementary schools within 1000 feet.

I’ve never been prosecuted by the University for gun charges. But I do know of at least 2 times that people with guns have been federally and locally prosecuted. With the claim that they were federally prohibited due to the building being within 1000 feet.

Was I within 1,000 feet. I have no freaking clue. But as I have mentioned elsewhere. I have no inclination to be a 2nd Amendment legend especially since I know convictions have been made.

If you do not like my answer @Nathan57 please feel free to call and ask the Hospital. Since you actually know where I live, generally speaking, I am sure they will be glad to speak with you about it.

Perhaps you can look at your own quote. There are 2 Elementary Schools and 1 High School with their grounds being within 1,000 feet.

School zone” is defined as “in, or on the grounds of, a public, parochial or private school; or within 1,000 feet of the grounds of a public, parochial or private school.” It includes all public roads and sidewalks within that 1,000-foot buffer zone.

I really have no idea why this bothers you so much. I have been courteous. I am now done replying. Feel free to keep posting away.

Edited to add emojis and a couple of words.

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I’m trying to understand. As for Disneyland, they still fall under state law, even though they have rules against carrying on their property, it’s still generally legal to carry on their property for those with a FL recognized carry permit

I don’t understand how a person with a license from the state they are in commits a federal crime for carrying at a school when the information I can find says that is an exemption from the federal law.

Was the person who was federally prosecuted licensed to carry by the state of AL at the time?

I don’t mean to offend, I Just don’t understand.

Yes, that is the definition of school grounds, but, it seems to exempt if you have a permit from that state

The USCCA resources might be wrong and need updated because the way I read them, it would not be a federal crime if licensed by the state

I hope they are always up to date, I really wouldn’t want to find out after the fact that USCCA provided me with outdated legal information.

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You don’t have to be worried, the USCCA resources are up to date. I think @Nathan57 and I are not communicating clearly. The Hospital he and I are discussing is on publicly held land granted to the University system by the State. The Emergency room I was at is directly across a 2 lane road from an Elementary School.

Which makes it within 1000 feet of a public school, and the University has been granted additional law making capacity, by the State Legislature.

I’m fairly certain that this is just a miscommunication on our parts.


I may not be emphasizing the federally illegal part of my questions enough.

I don’t understand how the state of AL can pass something special that makes a thing federally illegal. All of the references I find to the federal school zone thing seem to exempt those with a permit issued by the state