Preparing for the worst.

Some really good advice I can get picking hammers for free at work including tape oxygen mask filters ect, as far as the little one is concerned I might need to bring several toys but really all she loves is her army man collection. That’s my girl. Thank you for the advice I’ll take the time to really go over everything later.


She’ll love that channel I subscribed


Oh yeah I definitely agree I love some good yard sales and flee markets my grandparents raised me and they practically lived to find a good flea market or yard sale


I cannot be held responsible for your daughter’s future addiction. :rofl:


Same ballpark brother


I definitely think I’m good on ammo but is there really such thing as enough ammo? :thinking:


Hey @LandonBolts , I grew up in LA (Lower Alabama). The hand pump well we had for cattle was a life saver many times when hurricanes took out power for the electric well pump. I have no idea how much it would cost to put one in, but it might be worth checking into.


Prepping gear for those who want to survive longer than a month…

Allows you to pump water from a well or cistern through a filter system. And, flush your toilets. And stay warm. And cook food. And heat a greenhouse. And light your house. And power your electronics. And charge an EV.


Add hydroelectric if you can.

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Micro Hydro is actually pretty awesome but you need the right property with reliable flowing water.

I know someone who powered their whole house off of a relatively small spring with good flow. They had so much extra electricity they installed a hot tub to use up some of the extra power. Constant power no batteries required.


My thoughts are very basic.
#1 Don’t give in to fear or paranoia. By all means do not pass that fear or paranoia on to your children.
#2 You can’t take on everyone all by yourself. If you really want to take on the Russians or the PRC or Iran, enlist in the Guard or Reserves. Don’t like the way the @sshole$ are running the military? Likely neither did the Navajo Code Talkers or the Tuskegee Airmen, troopers in the 97th and 100th Infantry and 987th Signal Co., but they fought for a greater cause, not the pricks on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
#3 Be responsible with your resources. Don’t squander all your income on survival gear or weaponry. Rather learn to better use what you already have and spend more on your family— summer camping trips (not a bivouac) take them fishing, walk on a beach, visit a renown big city museum or take in some shows, visit the graves of family members if possible so they’ll see their roles as a part of a family History., not accidental tourists. In other words, make memories. Memories are the only things your kids will remember about you when you are passed.

My thoughts anyway. Oh, and teach your young’uns gun safety. Make shooting FUN.