Pranks going way too far

So surfing reddit today in the CCW community, we have a man who works at a gas station with his wife. A prankster comes across the street with a gas can, and starts telling the wife he’s going through a hard time right now, pouring the gasoline can onto himself, and trying to spread it, she makes her way inside, and the husband drew his conceal carry pistol, and told the guy to stop and backoff.

Cops were called apparently, they told him if he’d shot they would of arrested him, they opened an investigation and the husband is now pressing charges. Due to the husband carrying a firearm in the gas station, the staff fired him.

I probably just lost my job. : CCW (

Meanwhile police actually shot a man who was actually pouring gasoline on himself. Officer shoots man threatening to commit suicide by lighting himself on fire in S.W. Oklahoma City | Oklahoma City


Give that man a Zippo! FAFO :exclamation:

None of those cheap knockoffs, let that phucker go out in style!


I’m not sure how drawing a firearm on a guy who is pouring gasoline on his head and threatening to burn himself alive is supposed to make the situation any better?


By shooting him dead before blowing the place into flames


I see both sides of this.

I would guess that ‘argument’ put forth for drawing a firearm is the danger posed to other occupants of the building. I mean, couldn’t this be arson of an occupied structure?

Seems like an imminent threat to start a rapidly expanding fire in the station, could be people in the back, in the bathroom, etc…

…I don’t know that I would draw my gun in that situation, get out is what I would probably be thinking


Opinion: YouTube and other video hosting sights really need to have rules against this and take these videos down/shut down accounts that continually post this crap.


So he did this multiple times. If it was gas, wouldn’t people have smelled it and avoided him? Smelling a strong oder of gas, and threatening to end it all, I first would have called 911, ordered him to leave, and then drew on him if he wouldn’t leave.

I don’t believe it was gas in the can. But I still would have called 911 to get him out of there and get him help. Not smelling gas I would never have let anyone know that I was carrying.


Pretty sure he’s doing it at different places and at different times.

And pretty sure it’s not gas, it’s probably water or something else benign.

I like to think I’d notice the smell of gas or not, but, in the moment, seconds to react, are you sure you’re going to be like “hey I don’t smell gas so I know he isn’t about to splash some on me and start me on fire with him”. Maybe? IDK. Seems like a quick, big decision to make based on smelling something or not.

Messed up situation.

Needs to be arrested and charged

And YT needs to take the crap down


Call 911 either way.

Agree he needs to be charged

And agree YouTube needs to take it down, no need to give stupid people any ideas.


This prankster has to be pouring water over himself from that plastic gas container. He actually flicks a lighter over his head after pouring content (water) to light himself, but there’s no ignition. :laughing: What a FOOL!! Child’s Play! GROW UP DUDE!! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :rofl:


Pranksters deserve a minimum dose of pepper spray

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Sometimes it depends on WHERE one lives. I’ve moved out of 3 of the disgusting places(states) in the US & they weren’t even as bad as they are now. Beatles song" Its getting better all the time"I disagree; strongly.


Report did not say how far Husband was from the man, so how could he know the reality of the threat.

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Could be one of those inconvenient details the left reporters like to leave out of the story. Since nothing was said we can only assume facts left out.


This guy is just a panhandling bum who pours gas on himself and declares that he is having a hard time. I suspect that it’s just a ploy to get people to give him money.

Bums are/will use convenience stores as a place to beg for money. Recently, I was approached in the men’s room by a bum asking for money, claiming to be stranded. Sigh. An element of the urban landscape.


The blurb about his actions where the husband drew his firearm implies he is outside since the wife went inside. Based on that I’m assuming this incident took place outside and the inside of the building was not at risk.

Based on the above info and what I’m assuming is this man’s other videos he is doing this at close range. The guy does not seem to be threatening anyone but himself. No one tells him to get away so we don’t know that he would refuse and keep on coming. He doesn’t put “gas” on anything but himself so I don’t see the imminent threat to others, especially when outside. Not sure you can justifying shooting someone for threatening to set themselves on fire? The threat could turn imminent at any moment but I don’t see it any of the videos.

I personally wouldn’t want to make a spark by firing a firearm next to a bunch of gas fumes with an open gas can right next to me. The best bet seems to be to tell the guy to get away and create space by moving away myself.

In this specific case since he is pouring stuff over his head and sparking a lighter it is very likely what he is pouring is water. I would be suspicious it is a prank or panhandling attempt since I would not be smelling gas.


Guy wants to go out in a blaze of glory, there’s no way I’m wasting a good bullet to stop him!
These days that’s an expensive suicide!
Not my lane, I’m evacuating the area, proceeding on with my day!
AVOID, AVOID, AVOID or worst case scenario, stop, drop and roll.


Somebody needs to chase him around with a road flare. Lol. Just kidding folks.


My new EDC


Or a fire extinguisher