Potential gun licensing legislaton and online forums

I understand that… but thinking like this will end up with theory that EVERY organization is sharing their Customers’ information… which is not true.
I know, nothing is secure anymore … even NSA couldn’t keep their secret… but no legitimate Company will voluntarily share that info.

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I understand… I hope that remains true with this agency.

I have long ago assumed what you have suggested, I do not publish anything about my guns on line anywhere. I will discuss guns but I do not state what I have. I consider this only common sense. Have you been out of the country for an extended period? The government, and others, can scan ANY internet correspondence using AI at any time. I expect they watch all gun related sites on an ongoing basis.

If the dems stack the SC, whatever they want will be constitutional! That’s why they stack the court.


The government will not kick in doors. They will pay the local law enforcement agencies to do it, a high dollar value for each gun found. They will pay for them with our tax money. The city officials will drool at the influx of free money. If it added millions to your city coffers would your city say no?


A while back, I became more careful on what I post. In our various forums, even the USCCA and their moderators posted that our words are discoverable by a court of law, such as if we ever had to “use” our firearm in defense. It made me think, yes, this is a form of social media. Appreciate the reminders, but also, it seems to make for a more enjoyable forum community experience, where I can learn a lot.

Any Web crawler can find our words here. These forums are public. I was able to read this thread in another browser that has never logged into this community.


I’ve always said that bragging or posting what firearms you have is the worse thing you can do. You might as well make a list of them and post it in your front door.
If they want to know what I have, all they have to do is break in some time and find out.

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I thinking I really enjoy firearms they are fascinating, historical, an art form, fun, practical, life saving. I am very sorry if sharing my new guns online seems like bragging, I really don’t mean to be rude or boastful. Sharing my passion with others is something I feel is a good thing!

I am concerned that the cancel culture is even reaching us here on USCCA. Is it possible we are being manipulated…Even if it is a secondary effect of creating a culture of guns are bad we have to hide them we need to be secretive.

I am not saying what others have said is not correct or important…we have to be careful!!! In today’s society an attack can come from so many different directions. How do we best stand together to defend our rights? 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment… “Shall not be infringed upon”. I own guns I will not hide. I’m just trying to live free in the country my forefathers built. I own guns, I enjoy this right and freedom. I am not evil, I’m not going to be scared or manipulated to change. I will seek to follow good moral and just laws which are founded in our Constitution! Enough said.


I agree with you on this. And also just another word to the wise, watch what you say and how, where you say things.They have ears & eyes on all of us.


Don’t do that for that reason. They will fight it as far as they can, but you don’t do business (or even work) without having the mark… I mean license. ‘They’ know where your car is, they know where your phone is, they pretty much know where YOU are. They won’t need USCCA to know what guns you have. Or used to have. But until they convince us that ‘smart’ guns are a good thing, they can’t know where your guns are. Some people enjoy talking about their guns, as some enjoy talking about their cars. I won’t begrudge them; just don’t get offended if I deny having any.

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i agree with you, I don’t hide.

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