Postal Sevice Problems

Our regular mail carrier is great. Replacement drivers not so much. One day I received mail for six other homes in our subdivision. Two or three is normal. All boxes are the same but with different numbers and streets. There is no one to call. I-800 number is never answered.

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I have many issues with the USPS. Everything from mail not being delivered to me(missing mail) Packages they claim to have been delivered that never arrived at my home, mail lost in the system, packages lost to never be found. Etc. ETC. The USPS is going to Hell in a handbasket as well as the rest of our corrupt Government.


Yes, especially if itā€™s firearm related.

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I became an online convert a year or two ago! I donā€™t do business with the USPS, I donā€™t buy postage stamps unless absolutely necessary. I donā€™t trust them! I donā€™t drive anywhere near their parking lot.

In 2019 I quit all my subscriptions to all my gun and knife porn. I used to receive all of them for over 15 years. When COVID hit I let them all lapse. The environment was too caustic, still is. But I recently, about Thanksgiving, I tried again with some of the major magazines.
Iā€™m old fashioned, I like reading my magazines.
Like some enjoy the WSJ, NYT or Hustler! :sunglasses:

However I havenā€™t been receiving them lately. I keep an extremely low profile as far as my hobby goes. Only the postal workers know what Iā€™m reading, now they seem to be reading it, or ditching it or reporting on it, but theyā€™re not getting to me!
I will never again trust a postal worker or a democrat or a liberal.
If your car is on fire and youā€™re in it, I have one questionā€¦choose wisely!


I noticed today, the three closest U.S.P.S. blue mail boxes near me were all welded and painted shut by the USPS. Has that happened areas near you?

I was doing some business at a private mailing store, UPS (Brown), and they offered to drop off my outgoing U.S. mail for free. They were cool.

I vote by mail nowadays, exclusively, as it was offered in my area. I just signed up on the website of my cityā€™s election department. Very convenient and time saving. Not even a postage stamp is required.

The dems in power were thinking of you when they implemented it.

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I still present myself at the polls with I.D. and my oath of enlistment on my back. As I have for every election, sleet, snow, long lines or decay of country!

Should anyone dare to protest, they will be voting like a democrat, FROM THE GRAVE :exclamation:


Iā€™ve had mail thatā€™s done more traveling through our states than I have!! Itā€™s true ā€¦ packages do go all over the place & back and forth between the same post office before you get it. Iā€™ve watched tracking on packages ā€¦ things can park in another post office for weeks! Iā€™ve had to call our own main post office at one point to hunt down a package & that was a challenge because I knew it was there but the person I was speaking to insisted it wasnā€™t! Gggrrrr!!!
Our post office also had an employee who was getting in to the mail & taking gift cards & checks for a long time before they got caught.
I have an awesome mailman who treats us well & I can tell when heā€™s not delivering by the way my mail shows up ā€¦ if it shows up!!
I use ā€œinformed deliveryā€ , I think itā€™s called ā€¦ itā€™s on the USPS site & they scan your envelopes daily so you can see exactly what youā€™re expecting & tracking codes are there & can be added. If something is missing after delivery ā€¦ you can report it easily. Itā€™s a great help especially when youā€™re expecting something important.


Hello and welcome @Barbara_Mary

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Goodmorning ā€¦

Thank you for the welcome, @Karacal :slightly_smiling_face:
Awesome surprise on this chilly Wednesday morning!
Have a wonderful day ā€¦ :wink:


Welcome to our Community! We are glad you are here.

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Thank you so much, @Virgil_H!

I appreciate the welcome. :grinning:


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My sister has worked for USPS for 35 years in the Twin Cities. She told me the other day that in the last few years they have declined in customer service dramatically. 98% of The people working at her post office do not speak English. No one wants to work for the postal service anymore because itā€™s a terrible place to work. When the Government declines so do all their agencies.


Welcome aboard sir!

Welcome @Thomas693

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Hello and welcome @Thomas693

The Post Master General is Trump Appointee who owned part of a company that had contract (s) with USPS.

I have pretty good luck as many of the pistols I have bought online have been delivered reasonably on time and in good shape. My current postman stops every day and pets my cat !

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Welcome Barbara_Mary and Thomas !

Welcome to the Fold, Glad you are here
Put another log on the fire things are about to get interesting.

Where We Go 1 We Go All
No step on snek

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Over the last 10 years or more, Iā€™ve had mail consistently mailed to me for tenants that had moved outā€¦ went to the PO multiple times to confirm they had given a forwarding address, only to get the same envelopes mailed back to meā€¦ sometimes 3-4 times.

Iā€™ve had multiple packages coming from other states bounce back from my state to another and back before delivery. Iā€™ve also had notices in my mailbox (right next to the street) that my mail was undeliverable because they couldnā€™t access the mailboxā€¦ then got the mail a few days later.

Iā€™ve also had their tracking say that packages were delivered one day and show up 4 days later.

I still get letters addressed to other peopleā€™s houses sometimes from blocks away.