Possible Discrepancy in Colorado Carry Location Info in Reciprocity Map

I was checking on any updates to Colorado carry laws before I fly out there tomorrow and noticed that it says “NO” next to CARRY IN BARS/RESTAURANTS THAT SERVE ALCOHOL? That didn’t seem to fit with my memory from previous trips, so I followed the link provided to [Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-12-106(1)(d)] where it states that the following is a misdemeanor: “…The person has in his or her possession a firearm while the person is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or of a controlled substance…”

So is the “NO” incorrect, or is the link incorrect?

There are plenty of places that serve alcohol here. Some (like Wingstop by my house) have no firearms posted!

Others like Old Chicago on the other side of the street have no such signage….

The fact that you are in an establishment that serves alcohol does NOT mean you HAVE to drink while there!

And no, the link is not incorrect, it is as a matter of state law that you shouldn’t be under the influence (subjective) of alcohol if you’re possessing your firearm on your person.

That said, I’m not an attorney, this is not legal advice and as such should not be considered as such.

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Ok, just trying to figure out why there is a “NO” in the chart. Looks like a mistake based on your response.
Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 4.23.52 PM

looked into this last year when I was there and was told that you can’t carry in a bar or be in the bar area of a restaurant. Also if stopped and tested and read DUI level.

Scrolling through this;

I saw no such prohibitions.

Also in my quick safari search,… every town came up, and they seem to agree that Colorado lacks a law against carry in a pub.

Also,… page 14 here;

Again, dine, don’t drink!

And be aware of no handgun signs, be polite and leave if asked.

Again, just my personal experience and google searches do not make me a lawyer, nor my statements any kind of legal advice.

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I believe the part about “no guns allowed” not being enforced (by law) is correct, and I’ll be carrying concealed, so unless there are magnetometers I’m not too concerned with those.

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If you’re being a responsible gun owner, drinking alcohol or using any kind of controlled substance while you’re carrying is anything but being responsible. It doesn’t matter the establishment. It doesn’t matter what the law says. It’s plain irresponsibility. If that’s what you indulge in, fine. Just don’t carry. No harm, no foul.


Thanks for the unsolicited lecture. How about if I eat while carrying, do you approve of that?

Also, welcome to the community here. One thing you may find helpful is there is a search feature where you can search for topics that have been discussed elsewhere, since the topic you brought up was not part of this conversation.

@Trehn Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you here with us. :slightly_smiling_face:
Yes, a vast majority of us here think you should not drink in public while carrying.

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