Police Officer Indicted For Not Wanting to Be Run Over

The article has a terrible title, I changed it. Seems like Columbus, OH is stuck in 2020 somehow.


A year later… Really? Must be an election year. :roll_eyes:


So the officer walks in front of a car knowing the driver is about to, uh, drive the car. He unreasonably placed himself in danger. The woman should have been arrested for what she did but is shoplifting a death penalty case?


Sounds like the officer was thinking with his emotions instead of his brain.

He did this to prevent escape and high speed chase, and avoid danger to innocents from this criminal woman. Are you kidding me? LEOs confront criminals all day long, placing themselves in danger. It is literally their duty to do this.


Not buy putting his life in danger so he has to shot someone to get out of danger. Theft is not worth anyone’s life. If one is going to step in front of a car to stop it, one better be ready to jump out of the way.

So, yeah, using a cruiser to block her into the parking spot would’ve been the best option.

Where was their cruiser? Did they even have one? Or just foot patrol?

Yes, the officer attempted to block her car with his body, putting himself in harms way.

She made the conscious decision to ram another human being with a car, which is absolutely assault with a deadly weapon.

Is shoplifting a death penalty?


Assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer?

Well…. I don’t think I’d have fired.


Cops pull this crap all the time, deliberately stepping out in front of vehicle about to take off, or grabbing the driver or steering wheel in order to escalate the situation into a shooting. You don’t want to get run over? Don’t step in front of a two ton vehicle that has its engine running. Judging by the video, the cop deliberately stepped in front of the vehicle knowing full well what was going down, and he did it to escalate the situation where lethal force could be jusitified. Remember folks, cops aren’t your friends, and cops like these are the ones that will most definitely attempt gun confiscation on law abiding citizens.


So, it is justified for a person to attempt to kill an officer, or anyone else in their way, while he/she is trying not to be arrested for the crime he/she just committed? WOW




The female did not comply with lawful orders. The officer stepped in front of the car to block her. The female used her car (a deadly weapon) to intimidate or harm a police officer.

Shooting justified.

No, shoplifting should not have a death penalty, but the pregnant black female brought this on herself by escalating a simple police encounter.


^^^^^^^^^^^^THERE IT IS!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

(you can close this topic now :rofl:)


I think the commies are going to pull a string of police indictments all over the nation. The goal is to intimidate police from interfering with mostly-peaceful-but-fiery protests that are about to ignite. Its the season.


Also to show Black people “we got your back”… Until after the election. :dagger:

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The police are completely out of control today; untrained, incompetent, violent, uneducated, low IQ madmen and idiots running around loose and wild with guns. This is getting out of control and must be stopped.

But they are going to jail and prison and losing their certificates left and right these days.

It’s because of the Surveillance State, their body cameras and, most importantly, the average person is now recording all police encounters, that we are able to bring these brainless lunatics to justice.

This cop, Connor Grubb is off to the slam, where he belongs. Wanna be Billy Bad Ass, eh, Grubb? We have a place for you. Locked up. In a cage, where your overbloated ego and your criminal, animal self belongs. We’re gonna stick your worthless ass right next to that slow, dense lump of sh*t bigot and pig Sean Grayson, Daniel Holtzclaw and Zachary Wester, among countless others.

Enjoy your time in the hole boys. I’ve got a list of all you skanky punks. I’ll keep you famous for the rest of your lives. Count on it.

Cops are not your friends. Never talk to the police.

And we got a place for you, too, Matthew Farwell. You’re goin’ away, sweetheart. I’m having a party the day you get your sentence. Bye. Looking forward to your going through that courtroom door, on your way to prison.

Rest in peace, Sandra and baby. We got him. For the rest of his miserable life he’ll be crawling a tiny cell in fear, poverty, filth and with no rights. I know, it’s not justice, but it’s the best we can do.

That is not a good way to prevent a pursuit. The logic is, let me place myself in danger, use that danger to justify extrajudicial homicide. In this case, let me get a two-for-one deal.

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