Point shooting?

Blindfolded? :thinking:
Actually itā€™s a best way to find NPA and practice point shooting. At short distance, up to 12ā€™, you donā€™t need to see, itā€™s enough if you feel.

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Maybe next time; you know like ā€œpin the tail on the donkeyā€. Blindfold on, spin around five times, and start blasting! :wink:

Just kidding, in case anyone canā€™t tell.

I actually meant that I am training at point shooting rather than precisely aimed fire. Just to be clear.

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You will be amazed how precise you can be with point shooting after few weeks of ā€œclosed eyesā€ practice.

If you can draw and shoot 8" circle (which is size of center mass) at 12ā€™ with closed eyes (it can be easily done with some practice) you can point shoot and hit 4" circle with opened eyes without problem.
Using simple rule - twiced distance, twiced error - you can accurately point shoot at center mass from distance of about 25ā€™.

Iā€™ve started to have a pretty good results when started using support handā€™s thumb as my pointer.

So far, almost all of my shots have been one-handed.

I was trained to imagine a line from your chin to the target and practice pointing your finger at it. Then after a week of doing that practice the same with a Sirt Laser then after a week of doing that go to the range and start at 10 feet then when you are consistent doing that move back to ten feet and so forth.

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At my chin??? Kinda risky when I get to the live fire portion of the exercise!
:wink: :wink: