Perceptions are premises to peoples realities

First time I hear of RKBA.

I didnt know about NFAC until recently either. It will be hard to sell NFAC to me as a pro-2A organization.The image of a thug pointing his rifle at a motorist in a park while demanding reparations is stuck forever.

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@Randolph5 You are absolutely correct Perceptions are the gate way to individual reality. I hd a perception about National Guard and Army Soldiers based on my observations as well as a good bit of inter service rivalry as I am sure you have a perception about Navy Corpsmen dressed as Soldiers or Marines or Airmen when operating under their command (we did/do a lot of that lately) and I have served under ALL 5 branches at points in my career. The interesting thing is that the more you interact with various Perceptions the more muted, YOUR perception becomes as you realize THEY are JUST like you but with a different creed or ideology or values or PERSPECTIVE. WE are ALL products of our environment and until we expose ourselves to different environments we will never understand the environment on the other side of the glass. I grew up in a NJ seaside town in the 70’s and 80’s there were exactly TWO black people in my High School. They were Michele and Mike, no more no less. I had never been exposed to racism until I went to boot camp and I will never forget the words of my Company Commander “Yesterday you came from where ever you came from and you were who you were, Black, White, Yellow, Brown or Red, today you are ALL BLUE, I AM KHAKI. There is no difference between you and any other blue person but there is a difference between Blue people and Khaki people, your job is to become Khaki.” I’ve held on to that though since I was a young EIOU1 and it has served me well. I treat you with the respect that is accorded to all people.

I AM an American Mutt white male, I have more Indian blood in me than Elizabeth Warren and the family tree to prove it, father of two gentlemen, never been divorced (that may change any day), only married once (all the kids are ours), Christian, Straight, Combat Vet X I forget but there are 7 stars on my CAR, Submariner, Marine Corpsman, Army - Navy “Super Doc”, Air Force - Navy Crazy Doc, Navy Chief, Son of a US Marine with 7 Purple Hearts that told me I wasn’t allowed to get an enemy marksmanship ribbon because he had claimed enough for 6 generations. The last person in my family to get a degree and the 2nd to get a Masters.

I AM the ultimate minority. I came from nothing and still have most of it left. I don’t want anything you offer, I made my own way and I am not a victim. My perception is my reality and quite frankly it has VERY little to do with race and much more to do with the content of character.

CSM I invite you to rejoin the conversation as that is how we shatter the glass wall that divide us.




Because if you knowingly provide cover for illegal activity you are aiding that activity. For example if the police declare a gathering a riot and you intentionally stand between the police and individuals firing high power lasers then you are guilty. If you put on your yellow sweater and stand between police and vandals then you are guilty.

If I have a cause and another group hijacks my cause, and then misrepresents and perverts it I would defend my cause from this corruption… not defend the hijackers.

Let’s not defend an insurrection just because someone labeled it a protest. Next you’ll be declared a racist for being a different race and not taking part in these ‘protests’


Already happening in some circles (or an uncle Tom or a sell-out if you’re black and not participating)…


Those are outstanding words coming from a Christian brother. The key word is love and also learning how to forgive. God is in control of it all. We just keep the faith as disciples that the good lord will end this soon.


Wow. I didn’t realize I couldn’t post a single word reply. Hmmm. Anyway…well said. This is an insane “social dialog” we seem to be having and it will NOT end well. But I know who wins in the end.

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