Pepper spray/gel suggestions?

Saber Red Stream, hands down the best OC. 10% OC, drops even the most aggressive attacker. I have used mine plenty of times on the job, and will stand by it. OK, now I can pick up my check from Saber, lol​:joy::+1::100:


Have you ever felt what it’s like, Joseph? Is it as bad as it sounds?


Pepper spray affects everyone differently there is one cardinal rule with it tho. Nobody wins when pepper spray is used. Even in perfect conditions you’re gonna get a little bit. It’s not that expensive buy some go outside and spray it. It’s good to have an idea of what to expect


This a little humor, do not try this at home: All the trainers and trainees have to use it on themselves.

Police training they have done to them.


While I have never received a dose of “Pepper” spray I cant imagine it being any worse then the CS gas we use to have to go through in the Army. I use to run that training for my unit while in Germany and YES, I did make them crack the mask take a breath and then then clear the mask. If nothing else it always cleared up any sinus blockage you may have had. :sob::smiling_imp::sob:


So if I try it, I should do it when my allergies are really bad @DBrogue? I mean, really, I should get some benefit out of the pain :wink:



Honestly it really did clean out my sinuses. If you have ever used a neti pot what happens with CS gas (tear gas) is a lot lot worse.

Just thought you would like to know.


The idea of neti pot makes me shudder to start with… and CS and NO thank you.


There was an awesome sinus product called SinusBuster that was basically pepper spray, low dose. Worked amazing wonders on my chronic sinus infection. It was invented by a police officer who was making the rounds of the daytime talk shows talking about use of pepper spray for self defense. He was doing the demo of getting sprayed on every show :scream: but it cleared up his sinuses and stopped his migraines… so… product!
It’s not on the market anymore :slightly_frowning_face:

A friend if mine is a sheriff and in her academy class of about 20 they all got sprayed as part of their training. She says a couple people were not incapacitated and one wasn’t even significantly impaired.


@Dawn, I have the exact same one as @Kerryman71 has. My wife just purchased on Amazon a Lipstick style spray. I like having the elastic band so if I go for a walk it is always where I need it on my left, non-dominant hand, leaving my dominant hand to reach for my EDC knife. The UV dye is good because the person who tried to attack you if you are left unconscious can be found by black light.



Like @DBrogue, during US Navy Boot Camp we all had to go into the chamber with the Tear Gas. OMG, just thinking about it makes my eyes tear. I have never been sprayed with Pepper Spray and I don’t think it is on my Bucket List either.

As for the Neti Pots, they are not that bad. It uses a salt mixed with the water. I use it as I have allergies and sinus issues because of the allergies. It helps clear out the nostrils. It is just weird to get use to. Salt water going in one nostril and out the other but the benefits are great.


I did not like getting sprayed, but you get used to it. You will get blow back when deploying it. It is like holding a lighter to your face for 30 minutes. Water does not help, only time takes away the pain.


It’s definitely not on my bucket list either!

@KevinM - I remember seeing something on your Facebook page about you getting sprayed with pepper spray - is that still happening? I’d love to share it on the Community when you do it. :innocent:


We are working on the details of our OC “Event”… I say event because it has gotten bigger than just a spray for video. As for OC treatment, my personal favorite is baby shampoo. The gentle soap breaks up the oils which carry the active ingredients of the OC. A thorough dousing with baby shampoo, followed by a good rinse with water helps to ease the pain.


Kimber offers a good one, gonna get it for my fiance!!!


It is not required to get sprayed to be certified. The particular agency mandates that. When I taught OC, I did not spray my students. They do sale inert cans of spray. Training cans…


During my training, all the recruits lined up and they went down the line spraying everyone. Then after rinsing our faces for a few minutes, we had to go into a tented area with CS as @DBrogue said, crack our mask & take a breath, clear our mask, then exit the tent once the mask was back on. The reactions were all across the spectrum, some barely affected at all to some extreme reactions. We had the paramedics on hand just in case a reaction was too extreme.

I’ve sprayed people (spray, not gel) hyped up on drugs and have had them wipe their eyes and keep on fighting. I’ve also pulled it out and had people fall to the ground and comply because they’d been sprayed before and never wanted to be sprayed again.

I carry the Sabre Maximum Red Gel and will have to see if I can find anything about people wiping it off and flinging it back at you. Not that I don’t trust @Peter, but as they say, trust but verify. :smile:


I would suggest NOT getting a gel. It doesn’t run well, and you want spray to run. If you hit someone in the forehead, you won’t do much damage with gel. I find the best is Sabre Red’s stream type. 15-20 ft coverage. Doesn’t spread out terribly.

4 kinds of spray…foam, cone, gel and stream


Do not like the chemical and it only take one good breeze to
stop you. Maybe If I had a teacher that can help with mastering
the spray and applications. You all to make skunk oil spray, it last
longer. Is there anyone to volunteer to be the test subject ? JOKE !

William Smith


So first things first pepper spray is not always effective on all people it really depends on the person and the range this is meant to distract so that you can run away also I highly discourage having things like this connected to keychains when I taught martial arts for women and gave out kubatons I discouraged the same the problem with key chains is how many of us have huge keychains for keys? And even if we don’t what ends up happening is the keys get caught trying to get them out of the bag or the pocket they get tangled up and around the item and they also get in the way not all pepper sprays are created equal I prefer the oil immersed or even the gels and when I say oil immersed I mean this is the hottest type of peppers you can find ground up and put in an oil so that 1 it does not blow back at you on a windy day and 2 the more they try to clean their face the worst it gets, what’s the first thing we do when we get something in our eyes? We try to wipe it out. the best ones come with a invisible UV dye that can used for identification hours later even if they try to wash it out.
Last thing. Just like any item for self defense practice practice practice you’d be surprised how many people Miss even with a easy-to-use widw disperse spray