Out.of.control.migrant.children ‼️

There are dangerous!! Very dangerous children in our country . Who . Have ATTACKED.LAW ENFORCEMENT. And innocent.CITIZENS!!! AND THEY ARE OUT OF CONTROL :us:RIGHT NOW RIGHT HERE. In our country . Watch out for them!!!


They are youts


THESE . YOUNG . Illegal criminals. Are poisoning our children with . Their . IDEA’S OF. Mayhem. And .VIOLENCE. . AND THESE ARE NOT AMERICAN CHILDREN. :bangbang: THEY ARE VERY DANGEROUS . And they are poisoning our children with . DISOBEDIENCE. They are brainwashing our children on the ENTERNET.!! We don’t know .WHEN OUR CHILDREN WILL BE I. Lost with the .!! Enemy’s . Mindset ?? Seriously. What are American children .DOING ON THEIR COMPUTERS ??? :tangerine::back::chile::us::feather::feather::sos::question:

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Just trying to take advantage of the black supremacy in the big cities! Anything from shoplifting to and include murder, is a misdemeanor!! So, assaulting a police officer, is also a misdemeanor and release without bail!!! How about those liberal law makers!!!


Ted44 . IF I SEE CRIMINALS HURTING LAW ENFORCEMENT. Brother they will not be able to walk out of court. Or in .!!! I would end that and if I am wrong and they are under cover Lee enforcement. I guess the prosecutor CAN EAT ME I TASTE LIKE CRAP. :poop: . ONE LAW ENFORCEMENT DOES NOT BEAT THE HELL OUT OF CITIZENS. And if so I guess we all have a terrible problem . I did not just get out of the Academy. !!! If I see someone killing another person they . Better be right. KAZ had I been there when GEORGE FLOYD. I would have walked OVER THERE AND KICK THAT BASTARD. That was KILLING HIM. And then I GESS HE WOULD NOT BE DEAD. I DO NOT CARE . WHO . IS BEING A MONSTER . I WILL . STOP IT . AND .IF IT TURNS OUT TO BE . A MOLESTER. . They can PUT ME WITH HIM AND THEN . At least .MY LIFE DID NOT GO TO HELL FOR NOTHING. SOME ONE SHOULD HAVE STOPPED . THE OFFICE. THAT WAS KILLING . GORGE FLOID. BECAUSE LOOK WHAT THAT .DID TO LAW ENFORCEMENT EVERY WHERE. Ted44. I TAKE RESPONSIBILITY . FOR EVERY ACTION I DO NO . MATTER. I WILL DO THE . RIGHT THING. THAT MY . HART. TELLS ME TO. NO MATTER WHAT.:bangbang::bangbang::chile::us::100::100::100::feather::feather::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::tangerine::sos::+1:Love ya Brother . :dotted_line_face:

@Robert1246 “Did you say YOUTS?” :rofl: (My Cousin Vinnie)movie :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Ronald1.50. I don’t know how to smell very good . I can tell you until you have had your ASSz DAM NEAR SMOKED BY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL KIDS AND YOU HAVE NIKE. Check on your for head . And I seen that and entire 8th grade . Football team beat the HELL . Out of BANDITS. . And KICK OVER THEIR . BIKES . And they WAS BAD AZZ. Brother . Had I not stopped it . 1/PERCENTERS. Were. Getting an AZZ. Whipping. From juror high. School.!! And the. Out laws were bad . But they were fighting the entire football team. And the kid in nike . Tennis shoes knew some . Great flips and round houses. And spinning back kicks!! That had I not stopped it they would have needed life flight. !! It . Was AMERICAN KIDS these . AND FROM THERD. WORLD COUNTRIES. AND THEY WILL KILL AMERICANS. PDQ. Them school kids did not even mess with me . And yes a lot of outlaws were Pizzed. At me . But . They were not . ATTACKING ME. They LIKED ME. . But I don’t play. What. I. Am saying is we have true . Killer children. In our country brother. Watch your six. They DONT PLAY. . Ask NYPD. Dangerous :sos::100::100::100:SO CALLED CHILDREN. :japanese_ogre::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::feather::feather::chile::us::dotted_line_face::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Ted44. Brother this children. And monsters :japanese_ogre: . And they are not just black. They are all mixed. And from the Middle East.!!! And they have been living in war zones!!! I have told everyone in this community. And I can’t do anything more. Live and FIGURE IT OUT.!! If you play with these children.they will smoke you . And they come out of the woodwork. Like cockroaches :cockroach: :cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach:BETTER CALL ORKAN MAN​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::beer::beers:AND DRINK YOUR ROOT BEER :beer: :popcorn::japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre::japanese_ogre: KAZ THE LITTLE ILLEGAL IMEGRENTS. Are not MESKINS. They are HESBALA. TERARIST. And they. HAVE A SONG.:notes: And .DEATH TO AMERICA.:us: And they are seriously. Going to attack us . And they are not all children. All ages. We are at war now we are just not . Getting enough azz. Whippings. They make I.ED’S. The most cowardly. Weapon. On. Earth. When they start. We . ARE GOING A . TRULY. Have that. THOUSAND YARD.STEAR. SHOCK AND OWWW. THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE. IS 95,.percent. Of. Any fight. War. Every single battle is won before it starts. :cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::cockroach::notes::notes::notes::notes:TO .ONE. Sharpen. UP…COMMUNITY.

Sorry, youths.


If the youths don’t get the love and discipline they need from their parents we are going to have to hold their parents responsible or we are going to have to give it to them. It is up to them.


Robert 1246. I truly Love You :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: you make the worst . . Sound better and you always look at the good side of crap . It definitely does not change it but you make me feel better . I want you in my FOX HOLE TO . Make me laugh while I am smoking the enemy . Pass the ammunition . :beer::popcorn::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::notes::notes::notes:AND TURN UP SKYNERD. Love ya brother :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::beer::popcorn::beer::popcorn::notes::notes::chile::us:


That’s the way God wants it.:notes::musical_note:


Yes SIR YOU HAVE IT. THE GOOD STUFF JC. Love you little bird :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::chile::us::feather::feather::beer::popcorn:Root beers. For you :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::chile::feather::feather:

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I want everyone one to know I did not want to tell everyone that the children from outher country’s are brainwashed to believe they are supposed to kill Americans and they will get virgins and have life ever lasting insurance. And they believe that their carpet can take them to alala. Wtf . BUT AT LEAST I TOLD YOU WHAT THE DOJ TOLD BIDEN IN HAND DELIVERED LETTERS. :us::bangbang:

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