GM Uscca family, for travel and missions purposes; do we have a comprehensive list of information about ccw in other countries outside the US? Rather check in here then Google🙄 Thank you!
Basically, only in the USA does one have the RKBA and CC. You would need to research the specific country you are interested in, but I am unaware of any other country, including many of our territories, allowing us to even carry a handgun, much less CC. Many countries even ban knives of certain types and lengths or ban them out right. Having any type of personal defense tool can also be problematic in many countries.
I have heard that Panama is firearm friendly. But don’t know the specifics or if they would let a non citizen carry.
I’m also sure there are many countries that act like the anti gun counties in CA where you can only carry if you find the right government official to bribe.
Telling the entire truth🙄
If you are considering travelling outside the U.S. the best thing to do is to call the Consulate for the country you are visiting, although I agree with everyone that the chances are nil.
Just a thought, a good heavy wooden cane is a great weapon and always in your hand, even if you don’t need it to walk.