NRA shutting down?

Warts and all it’s the one organization we can always count on to fight for our 2nd Amendment Rights and carry rights and they have spent millions on doing so for us since the seventies and the first big push to outlaw handguns and the beginnings of the cries for assault weapons bans.

The reason they are now being targeted so heavily by the anti gun forces in the country is the simple fact they have been so successful in defending our rights.

If you’re under thirty today you’ve never lived in an America where as a rule concealed carry was a privilege reserved only for a favored few. In 1990 there were only I think 7 states that had anything resembling “shall issue” statutes on the books and it was all but impossible for the average Joe or Jane citizen to be able to get a carry permit unless they had connections and/or could prove a serious “need” such as commerce in high value merchandise or a clear record and long paper trail of stalking and or abuse by a former spouse.

Other than that it was a “privilege” afforded to licensed security or private I’s.

The NRA has been responsible more than any other organization for the expansion of lawful carry in the US. For that reason alone they have earned my membership and loyalty.

We’ll get the bugs worked out. It may take a few years but I am pretty well convinced that La Pierre and a few of his cronies are on their way out.


For those interested in looking at the progression of lawful concealed carry. Most people under thirty don’t realize that it is relatively new in all but one state.

CARRY MAP courtesy of Wikipedia. FL was the first “shall issue state” when they passed their first concealed carry law in 1988. Prior to that there were only 7 states that allowed carry on a “may issue basis”. There were also a handful of states where “constitutional carry” was legal but only for open carry.


I think your summation of what Cuomo is doing to the NRA is accurate. He is also trying to divide the NRA using “false flag” tactics.

Like you, I too am a USCCA, SAF, CCWSafe Member as well as an NRA Life Member. Each organization has its own merits in support and preservation of our Second Amendment.

Don’t take the bait and let the liberals divide us. The NRA can move its charter from New York to a more Second Amendment friendly state. If we let the anti-gun crowd divide us we will lose. Support as many organizations as you can afford so that they collectively work together to keep our right to bear arms.


There are probably at least 35-40 other states that would absolutely bend over backwards to get the NRA to move it’s headquarters.

There’s no chance the NRA is going to shut down over this, none at all.


Welcome to the Community, @Avi8tor! I agree with not letting anyone divide the Second Amendment Community - no matter what their political preference. :slight_smile:

Glad to have you here.


Cuomo travels with eight of NYC’s finest as protection pretty much everywhere he goes, but he doesn’t believe the citizens of NYC should have firearms to protect themselves. Go figure. He also touts how safe NYC is, true safer than it used to be, but still in the top ten for dangerous cities in the USA.


There is s fairly new organization called Save the Second, where Rob Pincus is a vocal member. He has posted his experiences at the NRA meetings recently. I recommend following the actions of their efforts to reform the NRA.


I like your idea about using email to notify members about routine stuff. I am a Benefactor Life member and member of the Heritage Society and would like for the NRA to give us more transparency about expenses and salaries.


Hello Richard,
Well one thing the NRA is not is forthcoming. They remind me of something that is just about nearing that of a secret society. If you want to know data about salary structure it’s available by Google or DuckDuckGo but Wayne and I forgot the new man’s name who replaced Chris Cox, but that guy plays by Wayne’s rules or we would have heard about it by now. I asked Mr La Pierre to return a large portion of his ill-gotten salary but never heard anything back except for a big silent middle finger.
Well Richard, that’s about all I can update you on there’s nothing more except I think under Current leadership in a few years there’s not going to be an NRA in a few years because they unlike GOA or SAF don’t compromise with thugs (by thugs I mean Politicians). It’s hats off to NRA there’s no more BumpStocks and who knows what is next up on the radar?
They do have a well organized store however. Well, talk later and Good night to you. Good luck.

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