No AR 15s for the Taliban


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, by which I mean kudos to you. Also updated.


We’re getting a good deal of trolls lately. I hope that they enjoy their own personal “echo chamber” or simply move on.

Stay safe out there.


Ah ha…found the setting, and now have an ignore list as well. Old dogs can learn new tricks.


I’ve a theory the internet sometimes connects parallel universes, and we get messages from alternate reality.


I usually go to the “memes” section for comic relief, but I’m glad I stopped by here.


Yes, Biden did not incite the insurrection, but gave it over $80 billion in arms, equipment, and technology.


Biden did not incite an insurrection and does not call anyone names

[emphasis added]

Of course he doesn’t…


I always give the Bee :honeybee: credit at the start by name and put its satire. People have gotten away from common sense.

As for what Biden has left them, I know from experience that M16’s and M4’s are not the same thing as the AR15. They basically fire the same hunting round with a few differentness. In the 5.56x45 it has a Berdan and Boxer primers. Now the weapons are basically the same but the M4 it has a shorter barrel. The main difference between the M series rifles is that the M series is select fire meaning it has safe (off), semi (one round goes off per trigger pull and Auto (you pull the trigger once and you can expend the whole magazine. The AR15 may look just like the M16 and M4 but the AR15 just shoots in semi (remember there is no such thing as full semi auto).

Biden left the enemy M16A2’s and M4’s, that’s not the dangerous weapons, there is almost everything the military has in its inventory! That’s the dangerous part. Biden preformed a MAJOR FUBAR as we used to say when I was in.
We need to “reimagine” how we are going to deal with them after Biden’s FUBAR.


Mr. Biden was just taking a page from former president Obama, whose BATFE allowed more than 2000 weapons, mostly AR-15s and AKs, to cross into Mexico for the cartels during “Operation Fast And Furious” resulting in the deaths of at least 69 Mexican nationals and Agent Brian Terry. Mr. Biden just took it to the next level.