Nitazene (20 times more potent than Fentanyl) is the latest weapon in China’s Silent War on America

One great takeaway is that China is buying up land near U.S. military installations. A coordinated attack on the food the military ingests on these bases would decimate armed forces readiness.


How much fentanyl or nitrazene do you have to dump into the public drinking water, to kill 75% of the American population!!! “I’m Batman!”


I’ve said it here before. Our freedom will be our downfall. As brilliant as our founding fathers were, and as much as they went out of their way to guarantee our rights in the Constitution, they never could have envisioned that hostile foreign countries or corporations, or domestic corporations, or foreign individuals, would be afforded all the same freedoms and rights as American citizens.

As long as we’re willing to give the same freedoms and rights to those hostile entities as we are to individual American citizens, we’re screwed. Chinese companies and organization are legally allowed to do this, and when someone like DeSantis in Florida tries to stop it, radical groups like the ACLU sue to KEEP ALLOWING CHINA TO BUY UP STRATEGIC AMERICAN LAND.

Our enemies know we have enough enemies firmly and legally entrenched in this country to destroy us from within. It’s a far smarter way than, say, bombing the hell out of a naval base and hoping we’ll just go away and lick our wounds.


From the “Book Who Killed Our Constitution?” Composed by Thomas E. Woods and Kevin R. C. Gutzman
" In question of power then, " Thomas Jefferson warned , " Let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.
Jefferson feared , goverment would become arbitrary. He had seen even his good friend John Adams yield to the authoritarian impulse. Jefferson would trust no one in power again. Jefferson knew that Rome fell when it’s rulers began to ignore its Constitution, and he worried that the same fate would befall America.
Jefferson feared a lawless empire bestriding the world, a goverment contemptuous even of its citizens’ just claims, a basically republican system degenerating into tyranny.
Jefferson was spot on !
The chapters goes on to explain : The U. S. Constitution has proven inadequate to the tasks of preventing federal officials from behaving arbitrarily. Now that the restraining elements of the Constitution have been abandoned and broken free of it’s chains … who then is to tether federal officials? Only the voters!
Voting has also been destroyed through political greed/ machines . People will not vote themselves out of money.
Rome fell when the wave of emigrants’ arrived and did not assimilate to Roman values !
Rome did not stick to the their Constitution and allowed the emigrants to keep their ways from their country that they fled.
We ( America) have been invaded and our leaders do not enforce the our border security nor do they listen to our just claims.
Tree of Liberty !


Let the watering begin :exclamation:


You see clearly my friend.


From the article- “Only take medications prescribed by your doctor and dispensed by your licensed pharmacist because pills or drugs obtained elsewhere are unsafe and are often deadly.”

Everyone knows most of the pills we take are from China, how frikken safe is that?


Is Nitazene being found in our prescription medications dispensed by licensed pharmacists?

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Are we looking for it in our medicines?

Is nitrazine coming from the same communist china that we get most of our drugs from? Would it be easy to add micrograms of nitrazine in food, water, or even medicines, by a group of, oh, I don’t know, 100,000 communists that have come across the border and disappeared?


Are you suggesting there are micrograms of Nitazene in our food, water, and medications?



I’m suggesting that nitrazine could be used as a weapon of mass destruction. Is that so difficult to believe or understand?


Of course not. All kinds of drugs and chemicals and compounds could theoretically be used nefariously. Nothing new there, no need for a new drug…plenty already here that could be used for that.

But you casted doubt onto the contents of our prescription medications from licensed pharmacists, RE: Nitazene, I wondered if there was any reason for that doubt or it is was just random fear mongering

Go ahead and call it random fear mongering. That’s what you believe.

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YES! That is EXACTLY what he is saying Sir.
This SH** is out of control!
They throw all this crap at the Wall Some is bound to STICK!
Short story, (already said here)
I went from Morphine to Oxy, to Hydro’s to Advil to NOTHING!
Turns out I was RIGHT!
KNOW your sources for Everything My Brothers and Sisters.
TRUST in these Criminals can be FATAL!
READ EVERYTHING you can on what you Ingest.
The .gov is NOT your Friend.

AMERICA’S WALKING DEAD! (from the article) Coming soon to your Hood!
We have ‘Walker’s’ all over ALBUQUERQUE
'The New Land of Fentanyl"


Is there any reason to believe there is Nitazene in our prescribed medications from licensed pharmacies?

I guess this is a rhetorical question, since no one said there was.

Is there any reason to believe that an enemy that supplies drugs to us could, at the communist leader’s whim, add a fatal dose of anything to that which we depend on, because we don’t see any danger in getting our critical items from said communist dictator?


Licensed Pharmacies My Brother BUY from the cheapest sources.
BIG PHARMA is like the .gov’s lowest bidder buying operatus.
They feel the need to extinguish a few Million/Billion ‘Useless Eaters’
This isn’t ‘CT Fiction’
Avian Flu
Mandatory shots


Yes, there is reason to believe they don’t do that.

The reason to believe they don’t do that, is that it is not done.

I could just as easily ask, is there any reason to believe that a person who has a loaded firearm on them, could not at any moment pull that gun out and start shooting people randomly? Why yes, and that reason is, that they don’t do that

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I said is there any reason to believe they COULDN’T.