Newsome’s Bills


One of the new bills “will award grants to private organizations for violence intervention and prevention.” Every CC person in Cali should establish themselves as such an organization and apply for the funding. After all, isn’t “violence intervention and prevention” what CC is about?


.gov is like a ‘Tick’…

Bloated w/ blood of it’s Citizenry
It just sucks and sucks more Life Force
from US until it will explode.
(and then charge US for the clean-up!)


I cannot find meme or clip from The Sopranos, when Tony says “I could never imagine I will raise a toast to the federal govt…”


California voters elected and retained Newsome and the members of the California legislature. The state is essentially a one-party state. Californians got what they said they wanted at the polls.

Don’t like it? Get it together to elect different “rulers.” That would require making the California Republican party functional, which is unlikely to happen. Or, leave California in recognition that it is not going to get better. Or, if you’re a believer in magical thinking, hope that courts – staffed by unaccountable elderly people in jobs for life – will somehow intervene and change things in California.



California is DEAD! You Phucked Around and Found Out ! Bon Appetite!
Mad Max couldn’t have predicted it’s down fall so quickly!


And the California criminal could care less about all these laws, why because he is already a criminal and laws don’t matter, why are libs so simple that they cannot understand that new gun laws don’t matter to the criminal because he IS ALREADY a criminal. Further they enforce these laws on law abiding citizens while allowing illegals to stream into the Cali carrying all the guns and Fentanyl they can carry!


Yes as far as I know they are both illegal. I don’t see how anyone can compare election fraud to murder as long as an eye for an eye still stands.
I think if Trump wanted to be president he would. He is making more money not being president than if he was (I think). I truly think Trump cares about people and doing what is best. I don’t know of anybody who is more qualified or cares enough to turn Americans around to work toward a better America/USA.


It’s usually last-in-everything New Mexico aspiring to be California. This time it’s turned around… or is it?

Who’s really pulling the strings?


Now THAT^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is the REAL question Brother isn’t it?

My Belief (Mine and mine alone) is it’s a Consortium of Evil perpetrators
that wish for the enslavement of the planet for personal gain.
Too far out for some but there it is.
‘They’ took the planet down too fast for it to be caused by an Idiot in the big chair!
Just look @ Newsance in Cali, How can this rocket scientist alone perfected the destruction
of some of the Grandest Cities in this country so fast?
How could We as a People ‘LET’ all these ‘Asylum Seekers’ into this country without
Major Players backing it on many fronts?
Where is the RIGHTOUS PUSHBACK that would make the Founding fathers Proud?
This little Hairbag in New Mexico is an anomaly! She over stepped and got Cancelled by her own people.
Even the Anti-Gun Lunatics said NOTHING! Gabby Gifford’s / Mom’s without ethics----CRICKETS!
This will be her LAST POST! Stick a fork in her she’s done. NEXT!
Newskin is getting a lot of mileage with the 1,300 bills he signed in yesterday but they mean NOTHING!
He is losing supports like a femoral Artery hit! Once hit you are pretty much done. You lose 500K residents, You turn a Tourist State into a Ghost State, major cities into Homeless shelters, defecating and drug use so bad entire Companies cut their loses and run away!
This country is prepped and ready for this Invasion. When the SHTF Brothers and Sisters I pray with all my heart whatever little we can do disrupts their ‘Wiping it clean’ and remaking this country in mao’s/Stalin/Hitler’s whatever IMAGE! WE GET IT DONE!
I personally will not be around for that!
I will choose Feet not Knees.


501(c)(3) aren’t supposed to be political but look at who’s receiving laundere… er, these grants.


The latest Newsom legislation to come down the sewer is confusing.
The CCW “course” is a few hours longer, but it sounds like there is nowhere where it’s going to be legal to carry outside of your home.
I’m certain SCOTUS will sort things out but that will take years, and crime is rampant now.


Yeah the ruling about not carrying on any commercial property that doesn’t post a sign allowing it means that you can’t really carry anywhere but your home and some streets. No grocery stores, gas stations, parking lots etc. Not sure how the government can have the right to declare private property off limits to a constitutionally protected right? Private property owners can do that under current law but they have to post the property themselves. There really needs to be a law with very stiff penalties that make it illegal for politicians to pass laws that clearly violate the constitution.

Do you know if any gun rights groups have analyzed the actual text of the law? I’m curious to see if it would also make it illegal to have an unloaded firearm in a locked container on commercial property or if it is just illegal to conceal carry there? If so I guess you can stop in the street and block traffic while you store your firearm before driving onto a businesses parking lot? Though I’m not curious enough to read through the massive amount of unconstitutional pseudo legal BS in the bills.


What part of private property does the state don’t understand?


One of the overlooked problems with these laws is loading and unloading. Unloading your weapon and pitting it in a lock box every time you go to the gas station, grocery store, etc. is a huge burden. And if you are chambering and unchambering a round in your automatic every time that’s not good. Almost forces you to carry with no bullet in the chamber even when you are in a legal to carry area.

Under Federal law you can drive or park on a street next to a school with a CCW permit in your home state with a loaded weapon in your car but this new Ca law prohibits that. Picking up kids from school will be much more complicated.


Welcome to the community. @Robert1352

I agree these laws make everyone less safe. Forcing people to unload and load repeatedly while trying to do it discreetly and quickly on public roads increases the chances of a negligent discharge as well as the odds of a criminal observing the action and then breaking into the vehicle to steal the firearm. Not to mention forcing people to be disarmed almost everywhere they go in a high crime State.

It’s obvious the true intent of these laws is civilian disarmament. They have zero safety benefits except for the violent criminals who know the vast majority of their victims have been rendered defenseless by the State.


I 100% agree the intent is civilian disarmament, and I’d go one further and say I think the real intent of these particular laws is to make things less safe, and actually increase the risk of ND’s and other “accidents”, including the theft of legal firearms that have to be stowed in cars, thus further justifying real, total disarmament. They’re playing a long game, and this is just a step along the way.

How would it look for thier arguement if an ND happened in a high profile place because someone was forced to load and unload or reholster crouched in his car? I can see them now… “SEE!!! SEE??? We TOLD you all guns are dangerous and people can’t be trusted with them at all!!!”


I think the idea is to make us think twice before even carrying a firearm. Why take a chance of it being stolen out of our vehicles, or a ND in the course of unholstering and securing it. Besides law abiding gun owners conceal carrying jeopardizes the safety of criminals and thugs. It’s a downright shame that thugs have to worry that a victim might be armed.