New Gun Owner Smoking Weed While Training Shoots Buddy Dead

In an interview for a Rangemaster job at a premier shooting facility in the SE USA a couple of years ago, the GM said something about an RSO having to take a pistol away from a customer in a shooting lane. He asked what I thought about that. I told him that I am not at all uncomfortable with disarming shooters and am certified by multiple orgs to teach those skills. He said, “We don’t allow RSOs to touch anybody.” I said, “Hmmm. Do you own a black suit?”

He said, “Why?”

I said, “Because it is just a matter of time before that policy gets an RSO killed.”

I terminated the interview and left at that point. NO THANKS! FYI, this facility was open for 6 weeks when they had their first fatal shooting on the range.


I believe in my heart of hearts taking a weapon is a rso fundamental


Sad way to learn a lesson…

Besides the weed, they violated a couple of the safety rules as well. You know, if they only made a practice gun, maybe of rubber, or plastic, made in a color like blue, or red, people could practice stuff without worrying about shooting someone by mistake.


Someone had to say it.


Trying to avoiding hot brass:

Interesting. My trainer warned us against certain shirts, such as open collared. I prefer crew neck, not loose, I prefer to wear a ball cap to reduce hit to face; I always get hit by hot brass at the range, flying from shooters on both sides, myself, and or my friend.

I also don’t just trust regular eyeglasses; I wear the kind which cover all the way to the skin above and around the eyes, otherwise hot brass can fall into toward my eyes. They sell em at the $`1 dollar store, and/or @ Amazon for cheap, like $4 to $8. I keep em in a zip lock bag, still like new. :star_struck:

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That’s what happens when you give the left (woke), guns. If you use a firearm, an accident happens, and you are impaired, well, they might as well stick a fork in you cuz you are done…


It seems every day I find myself shaking my head and saying “How stupid can things get?”
To clarify, that is a question not a challenge.


I admit I haven’t been in the community long, but I have yet to see anyone say that.
What have I seen?
Quite a few ppl who want an accurate Field Sobriety test for cannabis.
A fair number who wonder why their States Rights aren’t honored.
1 bitter man who refuses to accept that Personal Responsibility, or lack thereof, could play any part in an addicts actions.


So people that have Parkinsons disease that use marijuana for their condition are just drug addicts but it’s okay to get prescribed Oxycodone and own firearms? Cause that’s legal…


I’m kind of amused by those who are so accepting of our laws, finding nothing wrong with any of them it seems. Pot is no good 'cuz it’s illegal, case closed :thinking:.
Those projecting behaviors on pot smokers remind me of the gun control crowds projection of gun owners,lumping everyone into one heap and speaking from ignorance.


I think it’s crazy that a Google software engineer can own a million dollar property but can’t defend his family because he uses medical marijuana.

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Google software engineer owning a million dollar property can efford bodyguard ( no addicted to marijuana) to defend his family.

There is ALWAYS the way to do things right and make your actions legal.


There’s that “right/legal” correlation again :thinking:. I guess when our rights become illegal some here won’t have an issue with that.

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A 2021-11-05 22-58-43


People seem to think that Pot is harmless and a cure all for everything from depression to hang-nails. It may have some benefits for cancer patients and the like but its still a mind altering substance. Its like booze. It kills response time and alters reality.
Would you handle a pistol with a beer buzz?

