National Review: The Truths about Mass Shooters That Gun-Control Advocates Ignore.
Of course!
It don’t fit their “agenda.”
Maybe the media has their own agenda?
A very succinct statement exposing the disingenuous nature of those who use professions of public safety as a Trojan horse whose true intent is to nullify the second amendment.
As far as I am aware, not one of the proposed “common sense” gun control measures would have any practical effect on actual, real world criminal actions. Their arguments are flawed, their logic nonexistent, and their rhetoric entirely fueled by emotional appeals to ignorance and outrage.
When something bad happens, these people rush right out to punish the uninvolved.
I just commented about “gun control measures” in a different topic, but it fits in here well too:
Check out this Fact Check from CNN about background checks! It’s not pro-gun, but it shows the truth about how background checks won’t necessarily change a thing:
From the August 5, 2019 article:
“Doubtful. There is no indication that the shooting in Dayton, Ohio, would have been prevented by proposed universal background checks or legislation to bolster the federal background check system.” (CNN Reporter)
No amount of “gun control” will stop any mass shooting as we all know.
It only prevents further law-abiding citizens from taking action. It’s like I wrote in my letter to my state representatives and the president. If John Doe who was buying a firearm and gets prevented in doing so for the allotted amount of time for the background check to go through and then in that “allotted time” someone breaks into his house and kills John Doe waiting for the universal background check to come back….where does the responsibility go?
The answer:
The state would be held responsible.
While I like your answer, good luck with that.