Minnesota AG Investigating Automakers

We already have ample evidence showing us that the super easy to steal cars has, already, in actuality, led to more stolen cars

This isn’t hope, this is proven objective fact


Probably many of them will now that they have been shown how easily crime can pay. Though there are still millions of vehicles out there for them to choose from that can be easily stolen in seconds thanks to Hyundai and KIA.

Many of these kids were likely introduced to crime by how easy these two auto makers made it for them to steal vehicles. They are the cheap and easy gateway drug into auto theft and other crimes for a whole new generation of thieves.

It used to be that vehicle owners had to have lapses in security to help thieves easily achieve their goals. But in this case the auto makers sold the owners vehicles with built in security flaws that the owners cannot easily overcome. In some places the owners can no longer get insurance and even when they can they are often forced to pay significantly higher rates. Even if they choose to sell their vehicles the value is going to be significantly reduced.

Not to mention the already overwhelmed LEOs now having to spend significant time dealing with the aftermath of the KIA Boys leaving them with much less time to track down more dangerous criminals.


Any idea when the government will implement this portion of the law enforcement program?


Every time they are using resources on an incident/theft with an easily stolen Hyundai/Kia that wouldn’t have been stolen if it was like other vehicles?


The kids had it tough. It is pure luck you and I have not become car thieves.


Isn’t there a saying along the lines of Locks are only meant to keep honest people honest?

I would think the opposite also applies, a lack of locks encourages dishonest people to be dishonest.

I have run into a lot of borderline people over the years. Give them enough opportunities for their honesty to pay and they usually act honestly. But tempt them with enough opportunities to profit from dishonest behavior and eventually they will reach for the easy money.

Not to mention the whole undeveloped juvenile brain thing that leads to kids doing all sorts of stupid things, especially when challenged by their peers. I know quite a few kids who did quite a few borderline and slightly over the border criminal acts while growing up. Most of them grew up to be normal contributing members to society. A few did not.

Our country has a long legal history of allowing people to sue for damages when a company causes physical or financial harm through intentional or negligent acts that lead to defective products and services. Hyundai and KIA thought that it was OK to make a few extra bucks by putting in poorly designed ignition locks and leaving out industry standard anti theft devices. I suspect they are regretting that decision now.

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Police expends great deal of resources to setup various sting operations. They should give an appreciation award or something to Kia, for helping them draw out car thieves. No?


There is a lock. Locked with a key. They are thieves, not victims. Thats all there is to it.

No matter how hard I try to imagine AG Ellison as protector of consumers, I cant. He has no standing in this suit, and the only purpose is to pander to criminals in Minneapolis.


BAM! That’s it.
This World has gotten shite stoopid.


Probably. They are going after gun manufacturers when a person with a gun shoots someone.


But if you hit a bridge pylon with a ship you get a tax payer paid vacation.


If that’s the case Larry are they gonna go after the Teleprompter companies when the politician lies?


Never. But they will pass more "common sense " gun laws. :hot_face:


I’m getting really tired of these people trying to disarm us.
If they succeed we are done, over and out, kaput!
Do people understand the POWER’ they can wield on us
once our self protection is gone?
Besides the fact it’s illegal
This is an OLD ‘playbook’ they are running from(1940’s) anyone? HM?


The thieves are not the victims. The car owners are the victims of the thieves and the greedy vehicle manufacturers.


All communist states run the same games.

Chicago sues Kia, Hyundai over ‘car theft crisis’ - Chicago Sun-Times (suntimes.com)


I’m sure these communist cities and states will distribute any proceeds from the lawsuits to the consumers that were affected by the thefts, and they won’t keep the proceeds for themselves or pass on to illegal aliens (or do they call them “new comes” now). :thinking:


LOL! I think the money will be used to benefit programs for the “refugees” and the “unhoused”, or at least bank accounts of kind souls running these programs.

Speaking of unhoused… How long will it take for these states to take a cue from squatters to help solve the “housing crisis”?