Main Stream Media

Ok, I thought I’d vent a little here. I usually never watch TV anymore, having a busy work, outdoor life and awesome wife. I’m sitting at the bar at our local watering hole and CBS is on.
First news is about the retaliatory air strikes following the attacks on US troops in Jordan. Biden good, terrorists bad.
Second news is about Israel-Hamas war. IDF bad, terrorists good.

That’s why I never watch TV, these people suck. The end.


we have reached the moment when commercials are more trusted and interesting than info provided in TV programs :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We must reverse everything… 20 hrs of commercials, 2 hrs of programs and 2 hrs of “The A-Team” TV series… :upside_down_face:


In order to survive the environs’ of USCCA daily life My Brother
You HAVE to let loose the Inner ‘RANTER!’
Run your fingers through your hair (vigorously)
Shake your head a few times (Violently)
Then the 2x4 to the head! (Vociferously!)…a personnel favorite. :rofl: :rofl:
We Gunner’s here stay sane by letting the LIL DEMON out so that we don’t
let the poisonous Media take root in our Souls.
The Main Stream Mafia is EVIL, bought and paid for by the Global elites

Remember, That’s why it’s called ‘Programming!’ make sense now?
Your welcome! :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


Todays “News” really isn’t “News” at all. Fromm CNN to Fox to MSNBC… They are all just political commentary, editorials if you will. They want to tell us how to react to everything, they want to tell us what’s important to us, they want to tell us who’s right and who’s wrong, they want to tell us how to save and spend, they want to tell us who to care about, they want to tell us we’re stupid without them. I gave up on them years ago. I actually swallowed the Glen Beck Blaze TV B.S. once, but what did I get? Political gloom and doom, Becks opinion on, well, everything. So now, for me, it’s very little commercial media.


Looking at the headlines on FOX News online the other day. Not a peep about the border crisis but right up there…“will Taylor Swift attend the super bowl?” Seriously? That"s what matters?


Yeah, I used to read Fox News online regularly before, kinda morning coffee routine before going to work, but not only it now looks like it’s written by and for woke college girls (Taylor Swift, reality TV articles, wedding dramas, etc…), but you now have to register to read their articles. I don’t log in Fox News anymore.


In my opinion you got it right Sir.
What was once respected reporting (Non-bias) is totally gone now.
Even the ‘Right’ side of the news organizations slant the events to their Narrative these days
But for lack of anything REAL NEWS I still like some people and News agencies.
The only problem is the Woke Sheeple BELIEVE with all their hearts that Resident Evil Puddin’
is ‘Doing a great Job!’ He is getting more and more ‘doddering’, flubs the simplest of
prepared statements, is rarely seen in public alone, shadowed by the First Nurse or some flunky.
He’s (81) and the decline is obvious. Yet ‘Morning Joe’(who I don’t listen to ever) promotes him as more
Vigorous than he’s even seen him, He can GO ALL DAY!..really? Honestly?
It is clear that the news is corrupted and almost all one sided to this administration.
They have the Elites Power Bucks to slather over any Honest reporting and Evidence to the contrary that
Joey Depends is NOT the power in the Oval Office.
This whole World is a Mess.
Power players party while the masses struggle (and its obvious)
Marie Antoinette didn’t lose her head because she was a benevolent Queen
Mussolini didn’t get hung up by his heals and beaten to death by his own people because he was
a generous dictator. Kaddafi wasn’t hiding in a storm drain, pulled out by his hair, beaten and shot because
he was up for the Nobel Peace Prize…Ah :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:hhhhhhhhhhhh, GOOD TIMES!

I seriously wonder if we can ever right our ship
Every Politician around the world just wants to get in now to rob their own Treasury.


We have that already, it’s called NFL football :rofl:


It makes sense. People like watch NFL and never complain. :slightly_smiling_face:


That,s the reason I have an antenna Why pay for all that BS political crap as you all say I agree 100 %.


$9,057 !

The Average price for a ticket to the Stupid-Bowl 2024!
Some people are ‘Phucked’ in the Head!
To watch people smash into each other and drink $15.00 Beers!
I can do that cheaper on any Friday night watching drivers on the I-25
overpass and save $9,056 ! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I could buy a used ‘Barrett!’ I’d have long term fun then!


Yeah did you see how that “Bad A**” Biden retaliated? Hit specific targets in IRAQ not in IRAN. He said he didn’t want to start a war with Iran (didn’t want to piss them off). What a leader!


:rofl: That was funny!


That’s why they made Roku and Firesticks


Me too. Iused to read Fox news while eating breakfast. Now I go directly to USCCA Community forum. Life is much better now. :crazy_face:


Firestick, Scanner, and now USCCA Community. I’m set! My little emergency radio sometimes!


Fox online has turned into ‘People’ Magazine. Whatever it takes to pump up the ratings. 90%+ garbage.


X formerly Twitter is my source of news and amusement.

Who has time to watch the 200 channels directv and dishnetwork are offering?
Who wants to be lied to by evening news?

I trust James Woods, Nick Searcy, Harmeet Dhillon, Chef Gruel, Tom Fitton, and a few others to give me relevant updates.


Where’s Biden? A bit off stage from the main attraction.

Biden tells crowd he recently met with Mitterrand, former French president who died in 1996

“I sat down and I said, ‘America’s back,’” Biden recalled. “And Mitterrand from Germany – I mean from France – looked at me and said…”
This Piece of Sh** is phuckin’ Fruit-Loops! (and not in a good way!)


I don’t actually watch mainstream media nor do I use their online presence. I merely, once in a while, visit their headline pages to laugh atvthe travesty that is “mainstream” media.