Main Stream Media

Yep. That’s why they call it a “program”. They want you braindead and follow the leader move. It is rough.

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800 Migrant Families Ejected from Shelters in Denver: “There’s Just No More Space”

“Main Stream Media” :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Perfect example MSM: Bullsh**! "Migrant Families…Do YOU see many FAMILIES?
I see a hoard of MILITARY AGE MALES heading to a neighborhood near YOU!
(Ok, a couple of kids, but mostly Soldiers)


AND They don’t look too poor either.


SOLDIERS rarely do!
Sports wear, Nice skids, walking tall, muscles…YEPPER, Somebodies Finest!

It takes a second to notice the strut but it’s there.

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I guess many of the posts in this section are along the same vein: The media, especially the “news” part of it is untrustworthy; it’s not news. I suspect MSM has actually been this way from the beginning, but not so obviously. Our almost instant communication resources have just made that more obvious to us. But don’t write news sources off completely, because they are information sources. Our computers, our phones, and our TV’s still provide information - you just have to sift through a broad spectrum of reporting to get a good picture of what is really happening. It’s called “research”. Vet the news. If you do it regularly - and, for me, it is mostly online - you can pretty well know what is happening. Just think of it the way any interrogator would - if the subject shares any information at all, you just compare it with what others are saying. In fact many sites will do that part for you! So, don’t quit; just dig deeper.


I’ll add “Personal Experience to that.”

Here’s one that kills me everytime.
“Why are you filing this suit against that company?”

“I didn’t deserve that, I don’t want them to do it to anyone else.”

Me, I call B.S. on this one. Your doing it to get money and you’re hoping it’s a lot of money. You don’t care if Company XYZ screws someone else, you want a big pay day from a company/insurance company with deep pockets. In other words, I apply my own experiences to the information I digest and come up with, what to me, is a practicle opinion…


I switched to NEWSMAX much better and HONEST news.

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Hello and welcome @Mark802

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Welcome Mark802 !

Pony up to the Fire and get involved!

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