Mail Call - Sound off



@Todd30 >> Good memories.

  • falling to sleep in the tree stand, waking up not knowing where the hell
    I was or what :question:
  • put coon sent on a new pair or boots, stinking so bad had to keep them outside for weeks after washing them.
  • new gore-Tex Browning Camo ( fleece ) that Was heavier than me when it got wet.
  • cutting 3 fingers to the bone while gutting a 9 pointer with no first aid kit.
  • getting lost not having a compass.
  • getting lost not believing the compass.
    ** took some time but I did get my poop together. Ah yes, the grate outdoors.
  • getting the worst hangover in all my life at deer camp.
    /// YA-NO > I will cherish those memories forever, not to mention a brand new 74 Four wheel drive Bronco ( 302 v8 ).
    PS: I loved to be the cook at camp cause the cook didnā€™t have to wash dishes you see.

After about six hours of wondering and not believing in the compass I broke down and still ended up way out of the way from where I was parked. I was actually a short distance away when I went to the compass to find the road I went in at, who knew there was a road just about 50 yards from where i was, that led back to the car! I found this out the next year I went out there and found the road!


Target not hunting, the best of the best of the best you see.

When I gut shot a white tail ( had to ) it took me a good three hrs. to find him, he ran a very long distance. Ran in a circle back to within 50 yards of where I shot the beast. I believe they instinctively try to get back to weā€™re the were before the poop hit the fan. Good stuff. It was still a long way back to the rig with 3 fingers cut to the bone, every beat of the heart felt in those happy fingers throbbed with deer blood and guts in the cut, and of course no first aid kid, ah a Mere bag of shells compared to being King for that day bringing home a 9 point Buck.
PS: that rack along with a 7 point Buck makes me rerun that brain video every time.

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@Todd30 @Barry54 @Mike164 @KURT17 @Shamrock @Scott361 @Scott52


The problem is, we canā€™t solve this from our doorstep! Also getting too old, I donā€™t even qualify for the Ukraine draft! :slightly_frowning_face:
Great video!

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@Dave17 @BRUCE26 @Mike270 @Larry130 @Scott52 @OldDude49 @Johnnyq60 I just had a really good idea ( for retired people )
I still push myself to accomplish things everyday. Like some other people we pride our selfs on how much work we can do being productive at every day in our lives to provide for our families during our working careers or jobs. We feel guilty about not doing this or that while everyone around us takes a vacation going here or there, doing this or that. This Memorial Day the light bulb went on in my head thinking it was a day to relax and rest and Honor and remember the lost Gladiators. I thought why canā€™t I be on vacation for maybe a week. I worked hard all my life so why can I have a vacation. You can too, it can happen to you, if you only had a brain.
PS: use it or loose it you see, put the anchor out. Smell the gun powder while you can. .PSS: can only @ 7 people at a time or there would be more.


The hasnā€™t gone on vacation for a while sounds like me. My schedule has me so busy I have not taken a vacation with my wife in a while and itā€™s about time we go on one. I put in for my social security already. I will be 62 in July. I plan on taking one of those instructors courses the USCCA offers. I want to teach what I enjoy doing and work less. But I will take a vacation soon at least a week. I will stop working soon and begin a new chapter. A wise man once said if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life.


Your still a puppy, best of luck.
My your god bless you.

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Took my first full week vacation in many many years. Itā€™s actually quite nice, 9 full days away from calls and administrative crapola. Iā€™m your age but right now Iā€™m doing what I love so I think Iā€™ll hang in for a few more years.


@Todd30 @OldDude49 @Barry54 @Larry130




Hay gang, I just got my new custom made holster, itā€™s a keeper.
Call my friend Joshua ; tell him Blacky sent you. He will have a web site soon, give him a shout, heā€™s a good guy.


That is a nice looking holster brother @Blacky


I been thinkin.

  • when Iā€™m not sleep walking Im up all hrs. of the night and I think ; why are so many other people up so late, than I remember we have different time zones, good thing Iā€™m not in Russia, my biggest worry would be 11 time zones.
  • it seems that the more stress that people have lived thru, the zanier they are ( Noi siamo ).