I have asked USCCA: “What lawyer would represent me if I need on?” No answer. This is a legitimate question because I live in the Eastern Sierra, and all lawyers listed on the USCCA website live hours away, and in the wintertime may be snowbound. I think my fate would be several days in jail till a lawyer arrives.
@Russell13 Check USCCA APP. Your state and local area has names, addresses, phone numbers, and a brief bio for every lawyer in the network. www.uscca.com
download the app it would be under the three dots called “MORE” at the bottom of your screen on your iPhone “FIND AN ATTORNEY”
@dawn can probably pop in and help you get the answers you need.
Welcome to the group!
I would submit that you do your due diligence to find a (some) lawyer(s) who is a USCCA affiliated attorney IN your state that is as local as practicable to your location. Given that list I would contact each one and ask them specifically about their response should you need their services. I spent the $75 to meet a local USCCA lawyer and play 20 questions with him for an hour. I am now confident that if I need to call on him that he will be there and that he knows who I am and where I stand (and I him). I put my eyeballs on him and am satisfied with the “cut of his jib” and pray I never need to call him again.
Given an incident I am hopeful that I will be able to fire off a text or call to him and then IMMEDIATELY invoke my 6th Amendment right to council when the police get there.
@Russell13, Your representation depends on whether you are dealing with the civil or criminal side. Check the Membership Agreement. https://www.usccamemberterms.com/
USCCA can retain counsel of their choosing to represent you in a civil suit.
Membership Agreement, Exhibit B, Section I.A.1.c.
You can choose any attorney you like, including those in the USCCA Attorney Network, to represent you with criminal investigation or in a criminal prosecution.
Membership Agreement, Exhibit B, Section I.B.2.b.
Selecting a local trusted attorney for criminal defense is a good option for those folks that live in a rural area. We also can facilitate a lawyer to come to you after a legal self-defense incident. I am pretty sure that the lawyer can represent you on a video conference as well. Would that be correct, @MikeBKY?
In rural areas, especially in criminal courts, you definitely want local counsel who knows what they are doing. Lot’s of places are subject to “home cookin” and having someone local helps because they often know the prosecutors, the police and the judges. Like they say, “good attorneys know the law, great attorneys know the judge!”
@James whether video conferencing would work depends on several things. Often, in court, judges want you present. You may be able to do some teleconference or video-conference hearings but that often depends on the court, the judges and the technology available. Tele- or video-conferencing happens a lot for depositions in civil matters. But in criminal matters you definitely want an attorney standing/sitting next to you when you are in court or being questioned.
And the attorney would definitely need to be admitted to practice in the particular jurisdiction either by licensing or pro hac vice on a particular case.
@Dawn Am I missing the reason this is in the “Fun/Humorous” category? I could make some very good jokes about “Lawyer support” but this seems to be dry humor so far.
I have a feeling it was put in this category by mistake.
Good catch! I changed it to be in the Legal/ Political category.
Great point Craig6. I called around and found an attorney that lives up the street (literally four houses down) from me, She has our family values, a proven track record of defending what we seek and her husband is LEO.
Thanks for the suggestion,