Lawless crowd in lawless L.A. Ransacks Autozone. Is your town next?

Better question- will your residence be next? (Click on ABC 7)


This is all because the police were mean to those people once. We need to de-fund the police there and fire all the officers, then the residents will behave better.



Please don’t tell me something is wrong with LA, or NYC, or Minneapolis, or Chicago.
This is a normal condition, as described in the Bible (Sodom and Gomorrah), and the people of these cities are OK with it and the natural progression of things.


The answer could be found in the song
Try THAT in a small town


Look at their demeanor. No concern what so ever. They know it’s free game.


Even if they were caught, they are probably illegals, and in any case, will be out and free to roam under 24 hours. And yup, it has happened here too. Every state is a border state!


You can be sure that if anyone tried to stop them that they would be the ones facing jail time. Not the thugs. They get a free pass.


I disagree Tom, These folks probably weren’t Illegals.
They were Locals.
Pack mentality
burn down, destroy your own
Then move on to a ‘Hood near you.
Same Same happened during those ‘Riots’
Locals businesses owned by Black burned looted by Blacks.
Then the Whine about ‘Food Deserts’ ( NO PLACE TO Eat/SHOP)
Happening in Albuquerque (and EVERY City) Coast to Coast
Our Walmart Supercenter died a Violent death from the shelves
being picked clean—zero Guards, It was the Indy 500 of thievery.
It was more coast effective to simply shut down and take the loss.
The center of Albuquerque is not fit for humans anymore when the Sun sets.
‘Roamer’s’ Gangs, bad elements OWN the streets now. Lot’s of vacant
storefronts and Major retails leaving daily.
Little old New Mexico use to be a nice, friendly Tourist City, The Land of enchantment’
Now it’s the Land of Opportunity for anything that isn’t nailed down or locked away.
The Illegals here are the Quiet one’s, they break into empty apartments and Hotel rooms.
Ransacking them (usually) Crack and Fentanyl use is RAMPANT. (not just illegals)
Downtown smells like a Pop Corn Factory @ night. (Smoking Fent smells like that)
I’m ‘Guarding’ again, It took (4) months away for Security and I was pulling my hair out seeing all this crap going on in my town. I guard a nice medium size Truck Stop (Pilot/Flying J) now
out on the Mesa. Away from the Badlands of downtown. downtown is LOST.
At least for my Post there ‘shouldn’t’ be gangs and wholesale ransacking where I am.
It’s unhoused, drifters, some Bangers and opportunists. Mug a Trucker, Vandalism
(small scale) but I joined a good group of Vet’s and retired Poe Poe’s.
We can handle the traffic (for now) but it’s bad. I can’t imagine LA, New Yuck, Chiraq.
That must be something witnessed firsthand to be believed (no thanks)
Regulator Protective Services (has a nice ring to it)
Stay Chocolate Frosty out there folks, It’s going to get worse before it gets better.



We fortunately haven’t seen so much of the mass thievery here in SLC, Yet. We do have everything thing else. Drugs, Homeless, illegal immigrants, gangs, passive law enforcement. The one that we seem to be excelling at right now is Violence, shooting, stabbing, assault, road rage, that sort of stuff…


Don, whether illegals or locals, take care of yourself and keep your head down. Prayers are with you.


Yes, and stay alert and ready.


Thanks Boyz, I will. It’s good to be back in the Game before my skills got rusty.
I tried to work at ‘Chili’s’ Food Prep, Janitorial (not same day :rofl:) a little Food Runner
whatever to get in the hours for Disability but I was going starker’s!.
Feels good to put on the Battle Rattle again.
I’m focused and aware, no distractions, Thanks again.

Manana, THE RANGE! Oorah!



Look up what happened when the rioters came to Brandenburg Kentucky. That b.s. won’t happen here because we are absolutely populated with blood thirsty worst of us killers.Proud to have been among them.


They’re getting what they voted for??


Congrats on the new job :grinning:


Unfortunately, fellas, we’re not going to make it! As we lay sleeping peacefully in our beds, we are being SWARMED from within. All the ammo we saved up, all the guns and vests, we won’t last 20 minutes!

I don’t dream, but when I do, the Dos Equis guy has nothing to do with it!
Usually a dream of this nature is more than a warning. Ask my wife!
There are 8 windows and 4 ingress points to my home.

Call it what you will nightmare, dream or vision but it’s 0305. I hear a banging at my west side windows, I sleep at the east, the safe is on the west!
I investigate the noise, it’s getting darker and louder. I grab my sidearm and an extra mag. On a handmade platform, outside is a jihadi woman nailing a board to my window, 12 - 16 more jihadi men are surrounding my home and rooftop. They light Molotov cocktails. I run back in, arm the wife, open the safe, grabbing all the long guns and as much ammo as I can carry. ( it’s a dream, I made it back in )
I give a command to the woman nailing shut an egress point.
No compliance, it’s like I don’t exist, I blast her with the shotgun, all hell breaks loose. Suddenly there are at least 25 - 30 militants crawling all over my home and the neighbors. Within seconds, 30 more arrive all deck out, ladders, fire, nice furniture on the AK’s!

I gear up, vest, goggles, extra .45 handgun, flashlights and all my loaded mags approximately 70 - 80 that includes handgun as well.
Position my guns that all are in condition one!
They are starting to make entry, we fire, 1 down, 2 down, 5 down, they are coming in from the roof, I see and smell smoke, we keep firing.

My home looks like a fire ant mound that someone just stepped on. The place is crawling. Wife is holding her own, don’t know how the neighbors are doing. Want to help but there’s no escaping my own home!

Then I end up here, telling you guys, we’re f##ked. I always thought to myself that I had enough food, water and ammo to last 6 months.
That I could hold them off. All I can think of is what those people in Israel went through. It took only seconds!
They didn’t stand a chance and neither do we!
None of this preparation crap is going to do any good when 20 million are swarming our streets.

Anyway gotta make coffee and pick up prescriptions and some veggies!


Congratulations on the new job, and be safe brother.


There were cases where civilians survived when the hamas attackers ran into a home where the owner was armed and opened fire.