Last Resort! Only You Can Ensure Your Personal Protection

That eventuality is here, right now, IMHO.


Maybe. But I believed that as well with the disastrous economic conditions that have been getting perpetuated under the past half dozen or so administrations. Yet somehow our country keeps bumbling along with most people seeming to believe that everything will somehow turn out OK if only their preferred candidate can get elected next time around. Despite the underlying conditions just getting worse and worse every time no matter which side is given the keys to the hen house.


I have NEVER before in my LIFE seen our Country in THIS condition.


It has been a process that requires a whole lot of short sighted greed and ignorance to accomplish. It has been heading this way for a long, long time and will continue doing so as long as the corruption from both sides continues to be ignored.

There are only so many times this bubble can be reinflated before it bursts. But whether or not this is that last time remains to be seen.

I personally would have no interest in being President right now. Sooner or later the bubble will burst beyond repair and whoever is holding the bag will get all the blame for something they only played a very small part in.


You’re right about that.


Tag you’re it!

When nanoseconds count.

And you are by yourself.

You alone have to raise to that occasion.

If you don’t, R.I.P.


Used to listen to a radio program; “The Gold Guy” said, about the fractional reserve/FED/banking; “They’re gonna keep doin’ it until they can’t.”

But it seems we’re all playing musical chairs, and there ain’t no chairs! When the music stops, we’re all hosed.

Somebody ping BobbyJean over here to give a round of root-beers to all us old pharts?


Humbled me emotionally. Amen.

I love this nation.

God Bless America :us:, and save it.


Keep the topic. Expand on it? How do we get everyone to read it? Change the title to “Naked before the world.”?

Hydrate. Filtered water with a dash of KCl, (potassium chloride).

Don’t listen to as much doom-n-gloom; it’ll get you down.

Maybe try reloading? I hear tell it’s very relaxing. (Or, at least has the potential to be very relaxing.)

Have a root beer float!

the other don


Dude, (T.O.D: The Other Don)
You just freaked me out!
My best friend in the World (Don) died recently in Texas
he moved there because his Wife was afraid if he died she’d be alone…
(no comment)
When we use to e-mail, Christmas, Birthday cards to each other we’d sign
it ‘T.O.D or the other don!
Inadvertently I took this as a sign he just said to me ‘I’m alright’ No worries man’.

Thank you Brother.


Last Resort. I just figured out that is the . WHO. Same as the old boss . New. Boss . And. Definitely. We. Need . To. Do. ANY AND EVERY THING WE. Can TO STOP . Innocent people and our selves. So . Yes. I . Am not calling . 9,11. EVER. Because of this ■■■■. I. Am. 9,11 . Seriously. Love Bobby Jean. :feather::feather::owl::100::100::us:


Frank 261. Grate. THATS . Just what. Time . It is. We. Can defend .OUR SELF. I . Have been doing it. For . Seriously right at 60, years. So. Till death . Do us part BROTHERS HERES THE ROOT BEER. :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::us:STAY. FROSTY. We are with ya Donny. Love Bobby jean .,&, Debbie ann. :us:

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Definitely . I am sill alive. And we all . Are not puppets. Seriously . Pass the ammunition Bobby jean.:us::feather::feather::owl::100::bangbang:

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I hope T.O.D. is ok. We won’t know until the book of life is opened in Heaven.

Hard to see how my name could be written in there, most days… If it’s in there, it’s NOT of my doin’;
“Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:”

Haven’t lived in Texas for a long while. If I EVER change ZIP codes again, it will be back to Texas.

Should be a movie named that; “Back to Texas; Everywhere else is FUBAR”.


He’s fine.
He promised me he’d meet me @ the Gates when I pass… I believed him.
(just not planning on going for a while) So, don’t sell my stuff! :innocent:


Don102 Brothers. . I hope this . Does not . Go south with what all has happened to our nation in under four years . I believe . We have let big billionaires run our country and we have already lost our country and if Harri wins the election we will lose our democracy and our economy will tank and we will never get back to where we were . The greatest country on earth.!! But just hate and racism and . Loss of our freedom. This has been a rule of awakening for every American citizen since the border was opened and left . For Harris to . Give away our rights to foreigners. Just my opinion . And money should never decide who is our president . . We need leadership not political parties taking over our government love Bobby jean. In the last four years more guns have been sold . Because the people are afraid of the government and the Invasion of foreign countries . :100::us:last. Resort . We will have to defend ourselves fear has fallen over our entire country. :latin_cross::us::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::100::feather::feather::owl:


Don102 that gave me goosebumps. That was spiritual awakening . Right there . Woo :feather::feather::us: