Is Walmart part of the Problem?

On one hand, there is policy, and the employee violated it. On the other hand, multibillion corporation attacked the victim together with the criminal! Does not seem morally OK.


I get you Alexander, I do. But if a company say’s ‘Let them go’, or ‘don’t try to retrieve our merch’
THAT is what an employee should do. It’s just stuff, and the Big Corps don’t want a lawsuit for the thief being ‘accosted’ by an employee while committing their crimes, and CRIME it is.
In the warped world the Innocent, Worker Bee’s will be GUILTY till proven innocent.
This is like the victimization of Gun Owners who defend themselves or fellow citizens
(coincidently in the midst of a crime (usually)
You would think anybody brave enough to intercede in a crime would be touted as a Hero, but we are vilified instead, Prosecuted by the Leftist DA’s and the Media.
In 1978, My first taste of JUSTICE I killed (2) guy’s (kids 15-17) Brothers who tried to rob us.
I DID MY JOB right? NO, the court of public opinion Tried, convicted and sentenced me to the curb for ‘Overzealous Behavior’ (wrap your brain around that for a minute).
It’s amazing anybody stands up for Justice these days.-----Yet We Gunners do on a regular basis.



Ol’boy tried to hand him the whole drawer!

To be fair, Mr dipshit empty chamber robber rode the slide down and his gun was jammed anyway


This is also part of the problem though, while I love to laugh at the cashier for his “f’ing shoot me, it can’t be worse than working here” attitude

It puts the power in two sets of hands

The criminals.

And the criminals who govern the criminals!


I ran a subway sandwich shop
 never again)

Those bread knives are surprisingly sharp,
 and disposable

Put a jammed gun in my face, expect a sliced wrist and a cleared gun pointed back at you while you bleed out!

I’d be happy to loose my job for that.


I sorta have a problem with all this “stuff”.
You couldn’t pay me enough to be anyone’s employee!
Thank goodness I never have to be!
6 days a week, 12 months a year, hardly any time off, phucked up management and low pay!
Many people have dedicated their lives to all this “stuff” then some MFr runs in and steals and destroys all your hard work for that shiity paycheck and the assholle boss? It’s phuckin personal! Some people take pride in their work! Big corporations don’t deserve this type of employee anymore! Hire the schmuck and don’t worry about them saving your Chinese sh#t!

If big greedy corporations don’t want the lawsuits, perhaps they should provide a safe place to work. Not the same “safe” space that the woke require.
I understand people need to make a living, but if this happens in your store, walk the phuck off the job, EVERYONE!
Think about it, you can return tomorrow and rob them blind!
No one will stop you for fear of a lawsuit! It’s corporate law.
It’s probably in your employee manual!

You know, this sh#t is just so over the top, that it makes sense. Big corporations are CONDONING robbery! Camala will bail you out!


THERE IT IS! (But they don’t) WALK! They stay
FEAR is a huge persuader : Job/Income loss has always had folk’s over a barrel.

EVEN a Sh**ty job is still a job (and keeps the lights on!)


Suppose this is HQ sending a message to all employees in order to stop the ones who do care and will react in order to bring back sanity. That’s a big part of how we got where we are in this society. HQ/government/ lawyers group think, made into a rule
 first one over the line gets to be the example to hang in the square.


That’s exactly why cametoe has a chance! She’s promising ( lying through her teeth ) that she will keep their lights on! Reminds me of a song.

If we’re not careful, ours will be turned off! If this beach gets in, my wife’s dream has always been to live in Italy, Tuscany to be exact!

Might just have to blow all the children’s inheritance and live out our last days in peace! Very tired of looking over my shoulder!
Tiny place in wine country. The dollar is still strong there.

Can I do it? I don’t have a clue! Is it worth escaping Stalinism, absolutely!
We’re not going to fight this sh#t from our doorsteps! That’s a losing battle! My wife will turn 74 this year! This phuckin administration lost me an extreme amount of money and a dream!
I may as well fulfill her kick the bucket dream! Heck we probably won’t even need to drive anywhere all we need is internet service, our backgammon board and a couple of clean glasses!


The plan, sell everything we own, drop everything and walk away.
Kiss the kids, grandkids and the great grandkid and go peacefully and happily under a Tuscan sun!

Come to think of it, all the criminals escaped to the U.S.
I’m feeling safer already!

Sounds pretty phuckin good especially after writing it down!


I think there’s a little more to it than that. As an employer, I don’t want an employee risking getting hurt or worse, killed, over a few $100 of merch. I get we want to do what is right, but in a shoplifting scenario it’s NOT worth it. Not for me and not for them.


I know I over simplified this but if I went into every detail
in every topic on the decision making of the Highers .gov’s and Corporate shenanigan’s
EVERY TOPIC WOULD BE LONG BORING DIATRIBES that would leave us all bored
and unfulfilled

I do already ?

Nevamind! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: 'Scuze meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :crazy_face:


Having been a GM at a Sam’s Club, it’s really not. It’s about the liability of possibly being wrong on a shoplifting case. Period. I can not tell you how many hours of crap time wasting meetings on catering to the lowest of the low on crime, on how to disrupt the formation of a Union, how to, mollify your line hour workers to keep them from contacting Corporate HQ.

Small detour of how badly Corporate treats it’s Management.

We had a customer who came in with a Ford Duelly Truck and wanted new tires. I told him we didn’t have the equipment to put tires on his truck but I would pay for him to get them put on by the Tire Store down the hill, who did have the equipment. He pitched a fit, but I said this was the way it was. He called Corporate and got some VP in Customer Service, who called my DM, who called me and told me to just do it, I asked for it in writing and did what I was told. I told him I couldn’t guarantee that his rim wouldn’t get scratched. Long story short, it made a 1/4 inch scratch. Dude pretended to be mad and complained to the VP at Corporate, who told me to give him $1200 to replace his rims. Got it in writing again, issued the money, and the dude never replaced the rim. He got 6 new tires and $1200 for free. Corporate tried to take the money out of my bonus. I fought it, and won but I decided then and there that the money wasn’t worth it. I wound up looking for a job. I wound up in litigation with them over leaving, because I took the majority of my management with me.

The truck dude. He repeated his scam at other stores, at least 3 more times. He was finally charged and convicted.

Wal-Mart is a truly horrible place to work as a Manager. They think they can always find new Managers because of the pay. They aren’t really wrong because alot of people will put up with alot for a 6 figure income. At the Store level it’s alot of money, but the stress and hours are crazy.


At this point there are as many to blame as the weak minded "victims looking for a payday, or at least bail money (when required).

The nation is in the process of societal collapse
 a lawyers paradise as victims abound.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


That is truly sad! I don’t wish the misfortune of working for Walmart on anyone.


Reported today the ‘Heirs’ to the Walmart fortune are worth $330 BILLION dollars.
My opinion is when you have THAT much dinero you should find people who know how to
treat all the employees working for you. Not try and make everybody rich, just treat them better than they do. I have heard so many horrible stories about Walmart, Home D, Lowes
and other companies that the mass mistreatment of 'Average Joe’s and janes is truly sad and pathetic.
I know prolly not a popular sentiment for the rich to stay rich but anybody with that much wealth, that much power (because we all know money is power) should be a force for good on this planet.
It’s said that when Sam Walton died the CABAL took/bought out the Walmart company. I don’t know if that’s true but something was lost in translation when old Sam passed.
Maybe his kids are just greedy little sh**'s? (could happen) but hopefully when the dust settles we will have a realignment of wealth in the Worth.
The top 3% should not own 97% of the wealth on this planet.


Ya since the old man died they don’t know how to treat people.


Honest Question Here:
Do you believe that if you walked into the Walmart HQ in Bentonville and started packing computers and tablets out that they would stand back and watch? OR is it just the guy on the ground that has to do that?


Will you believe if I told you people walked into a major bank corporate office, ripped off computers, and walked out. How the heck they got past digital lock on the front door, that you need an id badge to open? They did.
Walmart HQ? pfft


Had a company CEO tell all of us managers that if we were unionized we would be immediately fired. He wasn’t saying anything bad about the unions or threatening anyone, just telling us that if we treated our people properly they don’t need a union to protect them from tyrant managers. He was once a worker/janitorial in a large mfging plant and was unionized due to unfair and lousy management. I once met Sam Walton. Down to earth guy and he seemed to treat his folks right. Yeah, you had amazingly long work hours but were paid in return. It was the crew after who “managed money”, not people, that caused a lot of the issue.


Walmart? You all go to Walmart? I have not been there in about 20 years. Just saying.