Is it worth it being an NRA member?

Can you name me a ‘Red Flag’ law the NRA supported? Once ‘due process’ gets thrown under the bus the NRA opposes them.

Here is what they said, right from the “horse’s mouth”. ERPOs are bad. There is already legal means to remove people that are a danger to self/others. Our laws are not preemptive (though-control), with the exceptions of active planning to commit a felony that is made known. ERPOs only seek to remove firearms, and have resulted in state-sanctioned murder. Defending yourself against an ERPO is very expensive, whether or not it is ex-parte or you get to see a judge first.

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OK, that doesn’t sound to me like an endorsement of a Red Flag law.

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It states they would be amenable to ERPO laws under those circumstances, which is what I stated “certain” ERPOs. As I also stated, one, they are not needed; and two, they are all bad; and three, they will put additional financial burden upon the firearm owner, for no good reason, and that at least some could not afford. At that point, they would lose their rights. At best, one would be out at least several thousand dollars - not a position I would want to be put in.


You are reading far more into it than I see. Back to my original question, show me an example of a Red Flag law that the NRA has endorsed, at the Federal, State, or local level?

The last paragraph sums up the position the NRA has taken on proposed Red Flag laws.

Again, the NRA will continue to oppose any proposal that does not fully protect due process rights. We will only support an ERPO process that strongly protects both Second Amendment rights and due process rights at the same time.

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That is what I said, they are amenable to “certain” red flag laws. You can write it however you want, it means the same thing, and the issue, as I stated is that they put an undue burden and cost upon firearm owners to prove that they are not a danger to themselves or anyone else, with or without “certain” protections that the NRA agrees with.


Only way, For NRA to recover is to dump everyone from the top end. Start clean. Like I said before we were lucky that there were some others to step into the breech


I’ve been a life member of NRA since the Clinton administration, because of the Clinton administration. I’ve been a pistol shooter most of my life, but when his “assault weapon” ban was passed into law, it did not include Ruger Mini-14s, so I ran right out and bought one of those. One thing led to another, & I began shooting rifles and went from annual member to Life. (I even landed a job with Leupold scopes long enough to become a vested retiree and learned how to shoot rifles as a benefit :slightly_smiling_face:.) I’ve worked as an NRA volunteer at gun shows, registering new voters, etc. I had the very distinct honor to meet and talk with Charlton Heston at the 2002 NRA annual meeting in Reno, just before he passed away.

The revelations about Wayne LaPierre troubles me, so I have withheld any contributions as long as he is running things. My money now goes to 2nd Amendment Foundation, JPFO, and my state organization, O.F.F.

NRA is an important group, my membership is good for life, and they are THE “gun lobby” that the FAKE NEWS is always complaining about, and 5-6 million members is nothing to ignore.

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The NRA, like just about ALL huge organizations has a lot of good parts and some rotten spots that need cleaning. But we can not ignore that they were the PIONEERS of the gun rights movement and STILL a MAJOR force to be reckoned with. if every gun owner in the USA actually signed up for a membership you would not see the Current President publicly vow to “defeat” them anymore, ever…

This is NOT a time in history where we need to start infighting with like minded folks. and remember the press will go out of their way to misrepresent and magnify ANY real or perceived chinks on the NRA’s armor. It’s it up to everyone one of us to seek the truth. And if you are a member and feel like there needs to be change, write them and demand it! again, stay involved, the same as you should with your political party.

Everyone needs to stay actively involved in ANY way they can. Join the NRA? Absolutely!!! Join the USCCA, oh hell yeah, write your congress representatives, even once a week. keep reminding them that you are watching them lie a hawk and intend to actively support them or actively work to remove them entirely dependent on their efforts to support out 2nd amendment and defend their constituency from those looking to ignore our founding principles.

We either do this or lose everything we have…


But they are stupid they uninvited the USCCA to there meeting- if we mearged we could be a power to recon with

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I never bothered joining the NRA, but I’ll admit that my heart sank when I first heard they were declaring bankruptcy. For all their problems, I think we’re better off with them than without them.

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Yep, Membres are the strenght of it. The leadership were the weakness


Actually some of their leadership is pretty good, the NRA has had some great accomplishments in legislation and lobbying. The scary part is this, it involves Red Flag laws and the like. Social Media like twitter and facebook are labelling many people as racist, white supremicest and far right fringe elements, just for the simple act of supporting a political candidate. This combined with red flag laws is a major danger to the 2nd Amendment. I know the following is a YouTube link, I am trying to use them as little as possible. This is worth the watch, about 11 minutes long: Bloomberg’s Media Organization Trying to Get Rid of 2A Social Media Influencers - YouTube

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To clarify the subject, the NRA has only declared bankruptcy in the business units operating in New York State so they can re-incorporate in the great state of Texas. It is not due to financial issues as many think and they are not closing shop. According to the last info I got their financial situation is as strong as it ever was, perhaps better than usual.

You need to read past the headlines folks.


100% this.


I understand that now, I was only referring to the sinking feeling I had when I first heard the headline.

Oh I get that. I almost had a freaking heart attack!!! I’ve been a life member for years and as long as the antis keep vowing to fight them and they are the top name in the list of their enemies I’m in. The way I work it is like a game, every time I hear Biden mention their name I send a $5 contribution to them to reward the heartburn they caused him… :us_outlying_islands:


Agreed. They’re great allies if for no other reason than that they draw all the ire of the anti-2A crowd. I may have to join just to show support.

I do read past the headines. I have looked at the their 2A record. Theres alot of groups out there picking up the slack. I ve been a member for a bit

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i still belong to the nra, just hope they clean up house and stop spending needlessly like they are accused of, and help fight for our gun rights like originally designed for, along with safety training for all! Gun owners of america is a good group to. they run the road differently!