I was debriefed when I left. I was never deoathed

Who is that directed at? I don’t recall seeing any comments about hunting anyone down.

How, then did Biden become president?

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That’s the most DISGRACEFUL act I’ve ever seen up to that point!

My own post just got bested by the Presidential raid at his home! That’s a new low. When they go low, they go lower and lower…

What happens tomorrow? Trains and gas chambers?
Don’t let your guard down!

This is Joe’ version of taking Trump out back of the school yard! Expect, instead of meeting him bravely Mano a Mano, he set up an ambush!


It doesn’t take a consensus to elect a president. If it did, we’d only have had 1 or 2 presidents in our history.

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I think you missed the point.

By writing those words, @Ouade5 showed the idea of Freedom and Liberty.

Americans have collectively never agreed on anything. That doesn’t make us enemies. For all our flaws- and we have many of them- we’re still a nation of laws.

How did the Biden become President?
Because 51.3 is bigger than 46.9

So it looks like every other American didn’t agreed with this result. And as mentioned - that didn’t make us enemies. We are still a Great Nation of Laws.


Dave, you probably already know this but when John Wayne was interviewed on the Tonight Show years ago. Johnny asked him if he would run for President. Mr. Wayne’s response was, “Dictator but never President.” There is a ring of truth in there when it comes to getting anything accomplished in Washington.

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Well, in order for him to get elected, he needed the most votes in the electoral college. That essentially is a consensus. Besides, I was only making a joke… :sunglasses:

That’s fair. But consensus refers to a general agreement, whereas U.S. presidents are elected by (electoral college) majority. I have been in organizations that require consensus, and although it can lead to some interesting discussions, it can also be a real pain to get anything done.

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Personally I think the reason why is clear, it’s because the left of whatever persuasion is wanting to do away with the restrictions on government that OUR Constitution places on government.

Speaking of which, I’ve noticed that there has been a deletion to the oath of the military since mine was administered. Wish I knew the date when it happened. That deletion is very telling in terms of the authoritative control that D.C. wants over the PEOPLE. What is now missing is the phrase after protection from all enemies that stated “and follow all ‘legal orders’ of those appointed over me.” Well that’s it for my WIW.

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I can’t find where this was ever a part of the oath of enlistment or the oath taken by commissioned officers.
There’s a whole history on the oath of enlistment and the oath of office here.
Oaths of Enlistment and Oaths of Office - U.S. Army Center of Military History

You’ll notice that the oath for officers does not say anything about obeying orders. Instead, officers swear to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies.” I’ll let the scholars chime in on this, but it was explained to me that there is a different standard for officers and enlisted in the uniformed services. All are bound by Article 92 UCMJ, “Failure to obey an order.” But lower enlisted might be able to use this as a defense if those orders are illegal, depending on the circumstances and how good their lawyer is. Officers cannot entertain that defense; they are supposed to disobey unlawful orders.

You might be thinking of the Army Code of Conduct, which states:

If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

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Ah, that’s the difference of our thoughts. I was AF and enlisted. So perhaps there are/were minor differences between Officer and Enlisted not only in any given branch but also within service.

But, bottom line is still the same, we were sworn to protect the constitution and country from all enemies foreign and domestic and there was never an ‘un-swearing’ (if there is such a thing). Plus if we retired from our service we are still callable by the President and/or Sec. Def. at their pleasure.

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I think the oath is the same for all uniformed services, including NOAA. If the USAF is any different, it’s probably just that they say “Air Force” in their oath. I’ve never been in the Air Force, though; I wasn’t good-looking enough.

72 - 76. :us:
Thank you for your service. You were among the first of our all volunteer forces.
As a draftee, I admit I never thought it work. I am happy to admit I was wrong.

It was explained to me in graphic details about the constitution of the United States. I went to a military school from the 8th grade until I graduated from highschool. All of the teachers I had were Vietnam era officers and enlisted. These men were very careful to teach us what our oath of defending the constitution would entail. When I went in the army right after graduation. Everything that I was taught in school was confirmed in the army. What ticks me off the most is watching these elected officials claim how they care so much about abiding by the constitution. These are the people who violate it the most. One of our recent Presidents claimed what he hated about the constitution was it said too much about what the government can’t do to the people. I understand that these people are elected and have to answer to the American voters. I believe they should be given demerits for every time they violate the constitution and when they cross that line they should be removed from office. No questions asked. Just like in the military you guilty until proven innocent.


Gary, no one understands a soldier in the civilian world. It takes another soldier or the dependent of one who loves their active duty or veteran citizen. The cost of freedom is carried by a soldier, paid by the citizen, ignored by the administration. This has been the American way since after our founding fathers were forgotten (2 generations at the longest). When our precious Constitution was written and adopted, a “citizen soldier” was a citizen. Today, a citizen is one who benefits or suffers under the administration at the time. The greatest threat comes from the administration especially when it feels it has complete autonomy (self-government). The current administration needs illegal immigrants, felons and dead people more than it needs it’s limited and hopefully srinking citizen base. Hate can only work for so long until it backfires on the haters.

The anti-Trump (Republican, Democrat, other), anti-God, anti-moral integrity, anti-fairness/honesty in the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of our government and anti-Constitution movement is hopefully gonna sink it’s own boat. However, with the “maintain the status quo”, “don’t rock the boat” and the down right apathetic citizens may outnumber the ones who care enough to speak up and out and are willing to vote out politicians and vote in an exceptional business leader who knows how to be a statesperson and believes in the Constitution and American freedoms unafraid of accountability and (very) stiff penalties for lobbyists, thieving representatives, big business and criminals. Trump was elected by a nation that was sick of politicians and big government. Citizens do not know of the “think tanks” and concerted efforts of the elite to dump that 60+ year old system wrecker and those freedom loving citizens “deplorables” and “scourges of society” who don’t belong to an immoral, illegal or criminal element of humanity.


I hear you… the “Oath of Office” that is required for elected and appointed officials, L.E. and military is valid and necessary. I know and have taken one over a dozen times in >40 L.E. career The problem lies in the fact that nobody bothers to read the Tripartite document that is the U.S. Constitution. But than again the vast majority of U.S. citizens have never bothered to familiarize themselves with the founding documents of this country. If Americans were to inform themselves they may come to realize that we don’t live in a democracy, rather we live in a Constitutional Republic… repeat the Pledge of Allegiance… “AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS”. The oath of office used to be a solemn vow, now not so much. B safe,BoB ¥


Precisely, necessary for a FREE state!


Thank you for your service. Men such as yourself are the backbone of our civil society. I believe that the education of our children (k-20) in our public education system is politically motivated. If there is a political “think tank” and we can rest most assuredly that there ARE (as in plural), to take control they must uneducate the future generations and misdirect their attentions. I would if I wanted to control the masses.

The Art of War applies to any enemy if you can’t help yourself and must meet them head to head. God help(ed) me when it came to school bullies. I was a twerp 6-10th grades but I was always a “protector.” I just didn’t recognize or understand that calling. I went into the military after failing out of university studies and going through a divorce. I married one year out of High School and spent the next 6 years arguing. I did not know about the science behind ADHD/LD or the “Autistic spectrum”. It wasn’t until my Masters degree at age 55 in “Disabilities Mild to Severe” that the lights came on in my world.

The reason I excelled in that environment and gained understanding academically in that field was because the military taught the way I learned and I lived in a rigid “black and white,” right and wrong world. I can not process “grey” spiritual, secular, ethical, moral, social mentality. It is either right or wrong. General Sun Tzu, Master Sun (we had fun with that title) had a great understanding of how to defeat the aggression and goals of an enemy. My mentors were all highly accomplished military with my favorite(s) being special operators now known as SOCOM. There really is no easy way out of a real “mess.”

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Sorry, I thought the first rendition got deleted due to misspelled words.

The first reply had this included after “mess.”

The enemies of us and our Constitution know all too well the truth of this and take every step and act with utmost seriousness. This isn’t paranoia. You as a LEO understand this if you have ever dealt with “organized” crime. It is easy to confuse, overwhelm and demoralize a common enemy/criminal. Ordinary soldiers/people commonly look for what they expect to see. Our real enemies know how to misdirect and even how to teach (given the time) common folk what to “expect” to see. To think otherwise or treat this flippantly is suicide. Our political machinery is very cunning and patient. I read once in a New Age magazine that if we wanted to change the nation’s moral, ethical, spiritual, governing nature, we should leave the adults to their own devices but concentrate on the children (extremely paraphrased). That article was written and published in the early 70’s. What can be accomplished in 50 years??? I thank God for Him using sources as far away from his scriptures as humans can possibly remove themselves to help teach me His truths. Truth is not relative. It is black and white, right or wrong. There actually is such a thing as a “Universal Truth.”

I believe that you are correct in that we, as citizens, do not understand the intricacies of a “Constitutional Republic.” It is built into this system of government the means for the elected representatives to have the ability of ratifying their Constitution in the interest of the citizens they represent. Today, as always, citizens create this form of government, and any other form of democratic nature, with an underlying desire by the citizenry, for their government to decide these constitutional matters for them (trust is a key word here). see “Seattle is Dying” on Youtube. We, as a “FREE” people are in a self made hell. That is the “TRUTH!” whether one wants to believe it or not. But, it is not too late to turn this all around. 150,000,000 to 300,000,000 people vs (up to) 10,000 domestic enemies is a WIN in anybody’s book.

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