I want to know why USCCA is allowing this forum to be a venue for misinformation and hate?

Good catch, @BeanCounter - Spent only 4 minutes reading posts within the first hour after joining the forum, then posted the rant. This is not an attempt to open a meaningful conversation, nor a legitimate complaint about the content here.
it is a troll and nothing more.



The featured word is POLITITION,
a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.


Socialists don’t have a rant my good Sir.
They have a Mission
Indoctrinate, Conform (to them) or DIE!
There is NO discussion here, No meeting of the minds
Common Ground
It’s their way or the highway.
Kinda like the Happy, Peaceable Muslims
You are either a follower of ALLAH (God be Praised)
Or you are an INFIDEL. (In which case the Prophet say’s you must die)
Larry is just another ‘Door knocking’ Liberal
You post a sign on your door 'Do not disturb, No Soliciting,
No Religious or Political Ideology and He knocks anyway because ‘HE KNOWS BETTER’

Maybe he should try ‘The View’ they know everything


When I was a little kid and complained that someone said something unkind to me, my mom would look at me with big, fake tears and say…

No one likes me. Everyone hates me. Guess I’ll go eat worms.

Sorry for the flashback there.

I, for one, am weary of disrespectful speech everywhere I hear it. I’ve heard it lots of places recently. From my standpoint, it seems less prevalent on this forum which is why I stick around.

When I find speech that I don’t like on this forum, I just keep scrolling, go find a different thread, or tap/click the magical little “X” at the top right of my screen that closes my web browser.

We are on this forum because we think a gun might come in handy for a lethal force encounter, but we can’t handle “violent” words. Yep. We’re ready when the fists, knives, and guns come out.

Sorry. This is probably the bluntest post I’ve made in a long time. I’ll let myself out now.


Welcome Gary522



Let’s take this from the top.

The 1st Amendment says so…
The Supreme Court says so…
We the People says so…
You’re free to take your drivel elsewhere, we says so…
Consider yourself lucky, to say’s so…

Try expressing that attitude in China or Iran, let us know how they feel, after they remove your head. You’re free to express your opinions, but you may want to back it up with empirical evidence!


Hey Larry352
We live in America and we have Freedom of Speech. If we didn’t have Freedom of Speech we would not have our 2A rights. Research history and you will find that when Freedom of Speech goes so do our 2A rights.
You have Freedom of Speech here on USCCA and we are not always going to agree. It’s called conversation.
Your Platinum Membership dues are to keep you well trained and out of jail. You liberals impose your views on every one and everything.


I was just going to post that. LOL


At least no one’s calling him stupid names…that’s reserved for us veterans.


Or for me Trever :slight_smile:



I’ll just say you can’t get a unanimous forum at the kitchen table. It’s amazing to me how when you disagree with some people it rolls off their back and you remain friends. Others, it’s hate speech and there’s no reconciliation. I’m watching Biden right now making his case to change the Supreme Court. Amazing, it goes their way and all is good, it goes the other way and you need to pack the court and pass term limits and ethics laws. Let’s try those in congress first to see how it works. If people disagree sometimes it’s a good thing, gets people thinking. So let’s all be very careful, disagreement is just that, disagreement. It’s not the end, our founding fathers disagreed and look at what they accomplished. Let’s be very careful in using the term “hate speech”, I don’t think most people understand what it is anymore.


I am curious to know if your Ok with Biden changing the Supreme Court? Seems to me that Biden cannot make a clear sentence let alone implement Positivism Law.
That pesky legislation always gives you liberals away .
Biden wants to change the rules of the Supreme Court.
Hitler did the same thing.
Yes , Hitler and his new Nazi goverment were elected by popular vote ( not electoral) and, once they got in power, under the theory of Positivism , passed all sorts of horrific laws all of which were lawfully enacted. Because there was no Natural Law to protect the minority, so the awful laws became the laws of the land.
After seeing the Left in France blasphemy of Jesus I refuse to allow any of you lefties call me a Nazi, KKK or any other name associated with your kind.


I just posted the same!


How exactly does someone use an app to “impose their will” on another person? Show me where it hurts.


Welcome aboard sir! We are glad to have you


Hopefully you stick around, Larry, and learn to chill a little. Don’t be too serious, none of us will make it out of this world alive. You may enjoy chatting with people with varying view points.


40 posts in 7 hr… :laughing:
