I get a text this evening from my son
T “Can vegans eat pudding?”
The answer is obvious but I respond
M “ No way! How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?”
T “I bet a friend you would say that.”
M “You won!”
T “ He still doesn’t get it”
I love my son!
That’s fantastic
'we don’t need no ed-u–cation!
'we don’t need no thought control…
(I loved “The Wall” but Darkside is a whole different level.)
Hey! You! Leave those kids alone.
Funny kid, you raised him well.
Yes, but does he know the answer to “Life, The Universe and Everything!?”
The funniest part to me was that my response was automatic without any thought. I mean who would ever think they could get any pudding if they didn’t eat their meat? Oh the good old days!
I don’t know if he does yet. He has seen but? He may learn by the time he’s 42.
Heck I like him too. Good taste in music.
I met my wife (pure as the driven snow) at college. Watching a triple header. Allegro Non Tropo, Godzilla vs Bambi, and Heavy Metal, yes that Heavy Metal. So any Pink Floyd references, send me into the way way back machine.
Ooooh pick me , pick me. But I will say first . So long and thanks for all the fish. Make sure you have your towel.
We did ANT and Heavy Metal as part of a ‘High School Film Festival’ Thank gawd one of our group lived within a couple miles of the school, I couldn’t have driven home I was so tired at 3:30 in the morning.
/edit: spelling
My hubby is seriously laughing his butt off…
@MikeBKY he says your son’s friend must just be another brick
yes yes and yes
yes but do you know WHY 42 and not, say, when’ he’s 64?
Of course! I learned as I hitchhiked my way through the galaxy!
I told my son that his friend, Mike (also a Marine) is not welcome in my home until he has a change in attitude. My son told him that it wasn’t a stupid joke but “could just not be appreciated by uncultured swine.”
we gonna find us some “pigs on the wing!” then?
/edit to embed youTube performance.
BTW… if y’all dont know why the answer is “42”… just ask, 'cause I do
@Zee Should we meet you at the Restaurant at the end of the Universe or Alice’s Restaurant to discuss the answer? As far as I know Marvin hasn’t coughed up the answer yet
@MikeBKY It’s good to find another Hitchhiker that really knows where his towel is at and is a wayyyy froopy dude. I’d happily lift a Pangalactic Gargleblaster with you!!
Just an additional pun here. Pudding usually has milk and/or eggs ( non-vegan ). Just saying…
Let’s not let facts and science mess up the truth according to Pink Floyd!