I heard that if you go fishing in California you could have a concealed carry without a ccw? Is this correct?

I heard that if you go fishing in California you could have a concealed carry without a ccw? Is this information correct?


I’m not to sure about that brother but if you go to your CA. reciprocity and gun laws map on your USCCA portal and go to resources you may find the answer to that question. Also google CA. Fishing and Game Association.


@Charles181 I’m from CA, there is a fish and game code section 12027 that talks about it. You can carry to and from your fishing spot but the firearm has to be unloaded. Check it out.

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When looking for answers like these, a good place to start is USCCA’s CA gun laws page.

The correct law to reference is Penal Code 25640:

“Section 25400 does not apply to, or affect, licensed hunters or fishermen carrying pistols, revolvers, or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person while engaged in hunting or fishing, or transporting those firearms unloaded when going to or returning from the hunting or fishing expedition.”
(Source: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=PEN&sectionNum=25640)

Keep in mind that you have to be licensed (valid fishing license) as it says, Also, when going to and from the fishing “expedition”, you are not able to CCW, only transport the firearm unloaded and still have to do so according to Penal Code Section 25610. Also, if you are fishing in localities that have restrictions on CCW, you could still run afowl of the law.

And I’m not an attorney, so I suggest you don’t listen to anything I say!



Sorry to revive an old post, but this is the usual confusion of CA gun laws… Maybe allowing carry only WHILE fishing was meant as bear defense while actually fishing, and a nod to the big fishing lobbyists… If there’s even such a thing. CA legislature is so dumb.


Perhaps if you just carry a fishing pole ALL the time… :thinking:



Interesting story here below, 1.5M views, somewhat related. “Too bad” in some fishing areas in the U.S., it’s not legal to CCW a firearm when in fishing areas. Doesn’t seem right to prohibit it.

“A bad day fishing is better than any day working”.


Let’s know our laws about when and where. I’ve been complimented on tennis shoes before, when that happens, it’s either genuine, or one’s about to get robbed/mugged. Another reason I wear not so attrative tennis shoes.