CA CCW question

So I picked up my new CCW and was given a shall not sheet outlining when NOT to carry a weapon, clearing up a lot of confusion surrounding new legislation, much of which is still in legal limbo as the courts try clarifying the language.
Cool, I’m thinking. It’s not as restrictive as I feared, such as
Possess weapon any place where it is prohibited by law of sign as opposed to Possess a weapon any place that’s not allowed by sign as the wording in the latest legislation suggests.
But here’s my concern:
*Carry a concealed weapon not listed on the permit. *
I’ve been in the habit of carrying a tactical style knife where it’s allowed, for the purpose of discouraging any attempt by an unsavory scallion in the act of seizing my concealed handgun.
So my knife is carried as a weapon and to my understanding, there is no allowance in law in CA to list a knife as a concealed weapon.

Does this mean that intentionally carrying a tactical knife AND a concealed pistol at the same time is illegal?
It seems so.
Perhaps I should post his in the legal forum, but since this is CA-centric, I thought I’d share it with you folks first.

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When I applied for a CCW permit, it was with the understanding that it’s for weapons categorized by caliber. (Permit Section B - Description of Weapon(s)
Manufacturer-serial number-caliber-model)

Knives aren’t subject to permits.


That’s a good question. I didn’t think that was the case. I’ve always interpreted this as not carrying firearms that aren’t specifically listed on the permit. They wouldn’t want someone doing the live fire part of the “training” with a .380 and then hitting the streets with a S&W .500 revolver, for example.

Usually the Sheriff’s office (or other permit issuing agency) has some email address or other method of contact for questions like this. I don’t recall ever seeing anything about adding other types of weapons to a permit other than handguns. In my county, I don’t think there’s even a space on the application to add any weapons other than handguns.

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There is no CCW for knives, but the devil is in the details.
Concealed fixed blades in CA are, to my understanding illegal.

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Having an EDC knife is a good thing because knives are useful tools to have in case of emergencies like; cutting seatbelts, breaking a car window glass (put the tip against the window hold in fist with one hand and strike the butt end with the other), saving a pet from strangulation on ??, it’s only a pocket knife officer. Kommiefornia has had restrictions on knives since I was a child back in the 60’s but we could walk into a hardware store and buy a .22 rifle. We could also open carry handguns and we had rifle racks in the back window of our trucks. Ah, the good old days. Glad I live in Tennessee now. Constitutional carry concealed or open and yet I have a handgun carry permit for Tennessee mostly for the reciprocity. VOTE national reciprocity and…
Let’s go brandon! Note to perfectionists- yes, I know someone else has been anointed by the DNC (short hand for abortion). Have fun out there!!


Glad that I live in a state where we don’t have to list anything the person is permitted not the weapon.

I thought I read somewhere that in California just saying the word “Knife” was illegal.


As for knives, the length of the blade is the key.


@Frederick62 Welcome to our community, we are glad to have you with us. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello, my understanding is that you can have up to a 2 inch folding blade in your pocket and up to a 4.5 inch blade in a case on your belt other than that its illegal in COMMIEFORNICATION

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THere are additional restrictions in local municipalities on allowable blade lengths…


Welcome to the forum @Frederick62

In CA the length of the blade is very important in some cities, counties and places but not so much in others. There are a whole bunch of very poorly worded and often contradictory anti self defense laws on the CA State books, especially when it comes to knives.

The type of knife (lots of vague definitions on what makes a knife one type or another) and how it is carried are key concerns in CA.


I use my knife almost every day, usually multiple times per day, for a variety of tasks but have never used it for self defense. I carry it as a useful tool but have considered and practiced how to use it to defend myself as an improvised weapon if needed. I have done the same with chairs, pens, bottles etc. In CA it is likely I will have to rely on an improvised weapon some day since my right to carry a firearm is denied there and criminals are allowed to freely roam the streets there.

It is my understanding that in CA it is illegal to carry a fixed blade knife of any length concealed because it is considered a concealed weapon. Though carrying one of any length openly attached to one’s belt is perfectly legal except in some cities and counties. Completely nonsensical laws.

Defending oneself from an attack, or just being prepared to do so, is always a risky proposition in CA. Along with all the nonsensical laws they also have a history of arresting people who are following the law and forcing them to prove their innocence.

The majority of politicians, DAs and even some LEOs in CA seem far more concerned with the ability of violent criminals to make it safely home at the end of the day then they are about law abiding citizens being able to do the same.


That is likely true in some places in CA but it is my understanding that those limits do not apply to the entire State.


My CCW allows any handgun even if it is not mine. My CCW course, everybody shot a .22 caliber handgun provided by the instructor. Can’t get much easier. What do you have to do to add a handgun to your CCW?

In CA, it varies by county or issuing agency. The firearms that you carry have to be listed on the CCW permit (make, model, SN). In my county, I think the maximum is 3 handguns. In general, to modify your permit (add/remove handguns), you pay an application fee with the issuing agency and then pay whatever fee is charged by the certified training organization who verifies that you know how to handle that gun safely and get enough rounds on the target. How many rounds you shoot and from what distances, etc., varies by issuing agency, but the bar seems to be set pretty low in terms of passing.

Personally, I only have two on my permit; my EDC and my backup “range gun”. They’re essentially the same but the range gun is steal frame (EDC = aluminum frame) so it should handle the abuse of thousands more rounds going through it when training. Having it on my permit allows me to get to/from the range without having to put it in a locked container. It also give me a backup in case I ever did get involved in an incident and LE confiscates my EDC.

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I believe state limit is five but sheriff (issuing authority) put the limit to three.

If I recollect correctly, my Sheriff upped the number to five guns.

Since I’m coming up on needing to apply for my renewal again, I checked the Sheriff’s FAQ and was surprised to see that they now allow up to six handguns on the permit in my county. Maybe they’ve had a lot of female applicants who want a different firearm for each outfit? :open_mouth:

How do they even fit all that info on the tiny little piece of plastic permit?

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Sheriff CCW FAQ

12. How many guns can I list on my CCW permit?

There is a maximum of three handguns allowed on a CCW permit. Effective January 1, 2024, you may only legally carry two firearms at one time.