I found Trumps VP Choice! Valentina Gomez ! (25) Year old Candidate for Sec. of State Missouri!

What, in your opinion, was the definition of the word as she used it when she told people to not be it?

Don’t be…what?

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How many times do I need to state the same thing? Stop being an a–, and read my original post, #12, or post #37.


Scrolling back…scrolling back…okay I can see that as a possible alternate meaning…although one must, as Shamrock explained, not use that word (because we all know what it means and has for decades) in a negative and insulting manner because it is no longer, even if it was a lifetime ago, a synonym for stupid

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Well, looking at that it was co-opted a century ago, and seeing that the word meant happy for 900 years prior, it changing to mean stupid 90 years later seems apropos. So you are stating that words cannot change meanings, even though you admit that this word was co-opted to mean something entirely different than it originially meant? Why are you being so obtuse?

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I have no idea what a word meant 900 years ago, nor do I honestly care, unless I’m studying 900 years ago history and want to know what happened.

I know what the word means now (and has for some time), and I know it was not used in an acceptable way by the politician in the OP, and we need to recognize this

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Wow. It is very easy to research online. And it wasn’t only 900 years ago, but until the early 1900s that it had that same meaning.

I told you what the word means now to the younger generation. You are essentially stating that words cannot change meaning, even though you admit htis word has changed meaning in the early 1900s and changed again in the 1990s. Just because some people use it to mean h-m-s-xual, does not mean it does not have other meanings. As you admitted, it does have other meanings. You need to recognize this and understand the usage and context of how words are used. Spanish has numerous words that have different meanings depending on the country they are used in.

Gay, as shown in the online dictionary still means happy. Should we no longer use that meaning because h-m-s-xuals use it in a quite different way? Should we call semi-auto rifles “assault weapons” because the Left and antis call them that?

I seriously do not understand why this is such a diffficult concept for you to understand.


I already showed the #1 entry in your online dictionary. And it literally means exactly what you say it doesn’t, according to your chosen dictionary

So let’s please stop incorrectly using it in a derogatory and insulting manner, right?

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Wow, why are you being so obtuse? Yes, it is recognized as ALSO meaning h-m-s-xual, but you are saying that we are not allowed to use to mean something other than that. As you pointed out, it does STILL mean happy, etc. So why can’t it, less than 90 years later, also mean something else, too? What is the difficulty you are having with this concept? You agree that words change meanings, and different groups use words and context different ways. Why does this word have to mean only one of the meanings you have read it to mean and why can’t the meaning of the word change yet again?


I honestly typed in BAFOON. BAFOON. I didn’t proof read my post )sometimes it’s perfect (what I was trying to say), Not perfect as in I am an exceptional writer and This time I guess spell check bit me on the heiney and I didn’t notice.
I AM NOT A RACIST. I don’t do ethnic slurs. I have MANY faults and freely admit them. No one’s perfect.
This person is a Babbling IDIOT, She’s one step above (Now here case in point I was going to use a word that rhymes w/ ‘BARD’ a REBARD!

Sorry for the INSULT. It wasn’t meant to be one. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh!


DON102. What you did. Was prove.!! That no matter what. After all most four :four: years. Of . Our country Being destroyed.!! You just showed. We. All are in . So much trouble as A. Country. That. No matter what. !!! We . Are ALL IN SERIOUS. DANGER. WHEN . THIS ELECTION. Comes.Around!! We. Know Life was better when President TRUMP. Was president. And pence. Did not help president trump. At . All . When I put trump. In my iPhone auto correct will never help me spell TRUMP. That should show everyone.!! What the Left . Is going to . Do to this .ELECTION!!! The democrats are going to .Steal. Lie. And buy voters. And . Destroy. Our. . ELECTION.:ballot_box: system. FOR EVER. We better SHARPEN UP. We .are not the enemy. We are the citizens of the United States of America :us:. Let’s act like it . Here’s.Every one.A root.Beer​:beer::us::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::100: LOVE Bobby Jean an Debbie ann. :cherry_blossom: WE ARE FAMILY. As long as the president of this country doesn’t want to take away our rights to bare arms. That’s who. Has my VOTE. :beer::waffle::chile:


Don102 Auto correct. Has messed up DAM NEAR EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE I HAVE EVER TRIED TO WRITE FOR THIS COMMUNITY.!! And I only have A iPhone and I. Can not even see what I am writing. KAZ my . iPhone screen doesn’t let me see. The last half of what I am trying to say . I Love You and our Family here. And . WE ALL . Must. Not GET OFFENDED. At one another. We. Are. Brother . DEFENDERS. OF OUR SELF. And OUR FAMILY . And Each other. Happy . DAY. FAMILY. Love Bobby Jean an . Debbie ann. And no she didn’t mean to knock out my front .TOOTH. !! Does anyone have a . Coupon. For A good use front tooth. :question::question::chile::us:here’s ya ALL A ROOT BEER :beer: AND A . Famous waffle :waffle: . Love ya all :heart::blue_heart::white_heart::chile::us::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::beer::waffle::beer::waffle::feather::feather::bangbang:


Nathan 57 CAN WE ALL CHILL OUT AND . Let the . SILLY CRAP. Go down the toilet . I have some fiber. And we can wipe our buts with the dickshionariy. KAZ my entire LIFE GAY HAS MEANT HAPPY. No MATTER WHAT . Younger generations call it. We are all brothers. Nathan. As long as we have a president that believes in our second amendment. !! And . My RIGHT TO BE FREE. I AM SO GAY. To HAVE PRESIDENT TRUMP. For my president . KAZ I HAD MORE MONEY WHEN HE WAS PRESIDENT I HAD MORE EVERY THING. And so DID EVERYONE ELSE. OUTHER then the ILLEGALS WHO . Have . Illegally obtained the right to vote . And live in my country and we get to pay for it and them. Here’s ya a Root beer. :beer: and . Let’s not GET OFFENDED AT ONE ANOTHER. Brothers. PASS THE AMMUNITION. Love Bobby jean a Debbie ann . :chile::us::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::feather::feather::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::beer::waffle::100::100::100::tooth:

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Dave.17 that’s funny an ASAILT rifle. Is . When someone beats another over the head with it. Just like a Ho Handel. Or a Jake Handel. My sister had an ASAILT . Hammer. :hammer: and she beat my azz . But I am groed up now. She better leave her hammer at home. Brother we. And family. I pizz the bed last night . And Debbie an is not going to knock out my other tooth. KAZ she still feels bad because of the other one!! Here’s ya a root beer. :beer: since I was the only one who pizz the bed last night . Every one should have a wonderful day . Debbie ann is not going to get you. So now I need a front tooth and a diper. What a wonderful day. Love Bobby Jean and Debbie ann here’s your root beer :beer: :beer::beer::beer::us: be happy it easy er :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I guess the site’s spell checker is a closet racist;) I was quite sure that you were commenting based on her abilities and not her race which was why I felt the word choice was a very poor one. Didn’t realize that the spellchecker made the choice.

Unfortunately buffoon seems to be a fitting description for many of our representatives in DC.


I find it very odd a politician would try to get support by telling people to not be happy, though.

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Shamrock :shamrock: Brothers spell check auto correct. Has helped me. So much . I would fire them along with bitme. Every one get back in the Dam Boat. Woohoo :partying_face: we are better than this . Pass the ammunition. And Don’t get out of the boat . Seriously Love Bobby Jean and Debbie ann . I need a new TOOF. Dam. Here’s ya all a Root Beer :beer:. And a famous waffle :waffle: :beer::waffle::waffle::beer::beer::us::cherry_blossom:GOOD DAY COMMUNITY :100::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::100:

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Enough with this nonsense. I explained that is not the usage. Contect clues are important in language. Neither h-m-s-xual nor happy fit within the context of her statement, but stupid does. That is the usage of a person of the younger generation. From reading about the usage of “gay”, apparently “gays” do not like that term any more, due to the negative connotation (that of being h-m-s-xual.

Reminds me of when retard was banished and “mentally-challenged” became the “accepted” term.
Shortly there after, that, too, took on a negative connotation.

Remember Clinton? It depends on what the meaning of “is” is? Same with “gay”.


And as I explained, we need to stop using (or accepting use of) that word as a synonym for stupid

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Why? That is how the younger generation uses it. You need to understand language is fluid and words change meanings. You seem to accept one change, but not another. Why can you not accept that it has a different meaning for the younger generation?


Because there is nothing wrong with being homosexual, and we all know how the word is used here today, and we need to stop, and stop accepting, making them synonymous.

You can change the definition every other post if you want and claim it means happy then claim it means stupid then quote the dictionary while conveniently deleting the #1 entry, but, that doesn’t change that it’s an insult to an entire group of people and it’s time to just stop.

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