Hunter... Oh so Sad

please… where did you hear that?

way I heard was some NEW documents got delivered all of a sudden and then the feds came in???

the NEW documents were not requested… but they arrived anyways???


not a trumpster… yes he made some mistakes… but I do have to say… looking back…

they way things were with him in office compared to how things are now…

the oil reserve that was just in case we went to war??? pretty much gone…

prices for food, clothing, electric, gas, tax’s… the list goes on… open borders, and crime…

and then the Jan 6th bullsh*t… many were invited in… shows in the videos…

insurrection??? weren’t armed and near as I can tell made NO THREATS to anyone???

national guard was offered and refused by a certain politician… who was that again???

I know how I will be voting…