Hunter biden charges

IF he gets off would this be case law that others can use in court to get off the same charges? :thinking:


There’s a very long way to go before he ever actually goes to prison, and the probability of that is zero. All along the way you can believe the justice department will be pulling the strings. If it makes it past motions and pleas, and goes to trial, there’s the selection of just the right jurors, and even which prosecutor will handle the case, along with which judge. Wouldn’t it be incredible, and prevent any further trials or charges, if a jury of his “peers” were to magically find him not guilty of all charges? Complete exoneration. What a victory for the Bidens that would be. My money is on this. I’m sure there are any number of assistant prosecuting attorneys ready to line up and throw the trial for the Big Guy and the benefits that will follow.


There are a lot of ifs! I agree with others that he would likely be pardoned, unlike the rest of us. There is also the issue in the 5th Circuit finding that portion of the law is unconstitutional. If convicted, it will be appealed and my money is on the AG not fighting the appeal.

The only way this helps the rest of us is him getting convicted and an appeal that actually passes scrutiny.


Thank you as always @MikeBKY :+1:


I wonder how much more $$ will be spent and wasted on this sleazoid, while his defense lawyers twist and contort the lawa to his benefit. Kudos to the judge who lambasted the sweetheart deal they tried as a scam.



I think what we see, is an individual on a crime spree. The new charges will pile up faster than they can dismiss or sweep older ones under the rug.
BTW, what happened to the daughter’s diary? They are not talking about it on CNN for some reason LOL


While the 5th circuit found that portion of the law unconstitutional, the 10th circuit holds a differing opinion, so this should go all the way to the SCOTUS for a decision.


It will probably make it to SCOTUS some day but it will likely be years from now.



a question I have about ‘‘controlled drugs’’ are they [ATF] referring to street
drugs’ or Dr. issued prescriptions or both ???


There are 5 levels of drugs that fall under the federal “Controlled Substance Act.” The first level list drugs determined to have to NO medicinal value and are per se illegal. These include Marijuana, ecstasy, heroin, LSD, and peyote. Users of any of these are considered prohibited persons under federal law. Any other controlled substance taken as directed with a prescription, if required, would not make a person a prohibited person. If taken without an Rx, does make you a prohibited person.


Hunter’s charges are like a fatal hit and run driver being charged with illegal lane usage.


Thank you MikeBKY


“Hunter’s charges are like a fatal hit and run driver being charged with illegal lane usage”.

Ruh Roe Relroy! Me thinks you nailed that in ONE sentence! Job Well Done Brother.


So, the list of drugs that are deemed to have no medicinal value are the ones that actually have medicinal value (minus ecstasy) and were used by indigenous physicians and medicine men to treat patients for centuries across various continents, lmao. Hmm, I wonder if our “honest and trustworthy” pharmaceutical industry :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow: had anything to do with that? :thinking::thinking:. They also happen to be the ones that can’t be copywritten so that the industry is unable to make monumental profits off of them. But any of the ones that are copywritten and can be sold for massive profits are A OK for consumptions and weapons ownership. :rofl::rofl::sob::sob:


RIGHT! It’s all Trumps Fault (again)

There’s zero argument Hunter ‘sniff’ is a Junkie, sex freak, Escort/Hooker buying, INFLUENCE PEDDLING, Traitor! Firearm dumpster chucking CRIMINAL! No question at all! Case closed!
It’s ALL because President Trump had eyes to see and ears to hear that He and Pudding senior were starting to feel the first HEAT because President Trump sussed it out and found the entire Pudding Crime Family (PCF for short) Guilty of TREASON! When Hunter did that ‘BUMP!’ on the WH balcony recently MANY a Citizen finally said “DID YOU SEE THAT?”

When the walls come tumbling down!
No step on snek


LET THE GAMES BEGIN :exclamation:


“I’m not going to comment on that. I did not, and it’s just a bunch of lies.”- Joe Biden


It’s the republicans
It’s Trump’s
It’s Climate Change!
It’s Fossil Fuels
It’s my gardners hakim and Zoltar!

We have you on Video tape and Audio Transcripts Puddin’ Head!

Oh, Well…

Enjoy your stay at the Guantanamo Continental w/ Numba One son a**hole!