How well do you polish your feed ramp?

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That’s pretty but did you mate the feed ramp to the barrel ramp? When those two are in perfect harmony you can feed empty cases from the magazine. Just make sure you don’t remove support from the bottom of the chamber as it may develop “pressure issues”.



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Didn’t have to, they mate just fine-there were quite a few burrs left from factory-caught on the lip of a hollow point, resulted in the bullet getting shoved into the casing well beyond the cannelure

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Hard to see in the pic, but u can definitely see what I’m talking about

Yup that last groove right at the top (bottom of the pic) looks like it could cause issues. Nicely done! Dremel & Craytex or similar? I initially thought that was a 1911 but looking at the cut out on the right and the angles of the feed ramp I’m not so sure. What is it?



You were correct it is a 1911, Remington R1, and it was done via a dremel and flitz

Unless there’s a feeding problem I wouldn’t touch any of them.

As soon as you start making modifications like that you lose your warranty and if you get the least bit carried away you can flat ruin an otherwise nice gun.


Thanks for the input, all things I am aware of. You will find the info in previous posts.

But not everyone is hence the mention. Our posts get read by a whole lot of people that never even post.