How Many Guns Do You Have?

I knew you were kidding when you said pi was 3.5 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Everyone knows it’s 3.1415926, righgghhhht??
(Sorry, numbers guy here :roll_eyes:)
Fwiw, done…for now. Latest craze was 3 solar generators,a Sionyx Aurora, AGM thermal, 3 e-bikes, and a mess load of cedar mulch :laughing:…did my paperwork for the 2 silencers today. I’ve had enough paperwork which is why I think I may just go with some caliber conversions for existing guns in the future…460 Rowland and 6.5 Grendel could set me back quite nicely :thinking:


I have enough weapons to do what I need to do and also supply a few neighbors if they are of the same mind as my self and most of my weapons were 80% put and milled by myself,and have gone all thermal as for sights on my long weapons,and also thermal for just observing things,so yes I am prepared for what ever comes down the pike,I always employ the what if scenario and try to figure how to off set it


34+ however many they brought to try and take the 13 :wink:


It’s a sample. I keep them on my boat, moored at sea.


Some serious hardware going on there brother. :+1: :+1:


Or, you start crying because the gun store doesn’t have anything that you don’t already own!


Welcome Stanley 33? SIR. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY SIR WE ARE ALL FAMILY AND NOT YOUR FAMILY BROTHER. GREAT TO HAVE YOU SIR HERES A ROOT BEER SIR :100::100::100::us::us::us::feather::feather::beer::heart::white_heart::white_heart::popcorn::bangbang::cowboy_hat_face:

Ruger SIR. YOU ARE ALL SOME IF THATS NOT A GUN STORE YOU HAVE MORE THAN ANY ONE I KNOW SIR . Love you sir. THAT IS ALL SOME VERY SIR Bobby jean and Debbie ann and me puppies sir :us::feather::feather::100::100::100::beer:FOR YOU SIR :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::cowboy_hat_face::bangbang::sparkles::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::bangbang:


Haw Haw welcome sir Larry42. SIR :feather::feather::100::100::100::us::beer::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::cowboy_hat_face::goat::bangbang::popcorn::v:t5::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:


Very nice sir wow :star_struck: :us::us::us::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::bangbang::feather::feather::beer::100:


I just thought I had a collection wrong my bad wow love you all Bobby Jean :feather::feather::us::us::us::beer::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::bangbang::popcorn::cowboy_hat_face::goat::popcorn::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::bangbang:


And every year, shot show gives me more to want.


Not nearly as many as I want….

But, enough that I now have to make up reasons to justify to myself why I need any new ones….

Then again, I Just bought two new shotguns cause they were a good deal and my wife wanted to give me new guns for Christmas, sooooooo….


more than a few, but not enough to be too many :rofl:

Lets just say I’m in the market for a bigger gun safe at the moment, and is the reason i have not purchased or built anything recently. Nothing else will fit at the moment lol


Amen I just have my twins six’s and my long rifle for squirrels and rabbits and snakes my favorite rifle is my red rider bb rifle lever action . It has a better spring have a great Day Brother Sir Bobby Jean Sir :bangbang::cowboy_hat_face::feather::feather:. :v:t5::bison::bison::bison::100::us::heart::white_heart::blue_heart:Sir

That’s a fine lady right there sir . Debbie ann said I should get my truck painted and have some thing to show for my money and I told her she needs to get a new dishwasher for her birthday :partying_face: I got a sucqur safe for what Lou have after seeing OUTHERS I . Look like good will . I have gold and nice clothes so I can work on my truck in new closes. And I never had new clothes with I was little so I dress up to work on my vehicles and . I . Would have only wear them to church but I can afford to wear them like every one else . My mother is going to give her grandchildren most of my not needed collection . For the to remember her and I don’t mind . I only have two hands . A more work than I can handle so I am just going to bling brothers . And I a not hungry anymore . I am so very blessed I have Debbie ann I have everything a man can ever want or need brother sir . Nice very very nice collection sir . Love ya brother sir :feather::feather::v:t5::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:🫏:feather::feather::bison::blue_heart:

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Somewhere in the neighborhood of NoneYa. :grin:


Why? Who do you work for? And can I see some I.D. :question:


SCOTT 52. NO. No An. NO .:bangbang: SIR :dotted_line_face: BUT . YOU WOULD NEVER BELIEVE ME EVEN WITH ID :identification_card: . SIR :dotted_line_face::feather::feather:🫏SIR


I have none. It was so wierd, I was fishing and i decided to take all of my guns on the boat with me. Ironically we hit a large ice cube that someone had poured into the lake from their mixed drink and it stuck the hull of our boat. Everything went down with the boat but since it was in Miami and we had flotation devices on, we all survived. Sadly all cargo was lost!