Home Defense 101

Well I’m kind of disadvantaged here. I am a retired Firefighter, and have had to do that in different homes more times than I care to remember, As a result I am very careful and aware of my surroundings


Not to be rude but, couldn’t agree more. Do tell, why? Any one of you guys are welcome to answer.

You aren’t the only one here. Stick around we aren’t that different.

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Just because @BeanCounter pointed out that the best gun fight is one you avoid and then mentioned that he has a dog to help discourage potential home invaders doesn’t mean he is not a firearm owner and isn’t fully willing and able to defend his home.

That is a very silly assumption to make about anyone who spends time here on a regular basis.

I don’t have a dog but I do try to make my home as uninviting to criminals as possible because I have no wish to get into a gun fight if I don’t have to.


That’s good, but beeing here on this feed alot doesn’t make anyone a guru of these topics. So lets debate nicely now, shall we.
Now, yes the best fight is one you can avoid, you cant avoid the bad guy inside your door with the intent to harm you…likely he will than not.
Its good to have a dog, I have one but she wont be facing the bad guy alone. Did you know that some people have a gun and still afraid to use it in such a case. Others own them and still dont know how to shoot, dust collectors, a fact mister. You may or may not be that. So be nice, yell out, run, hide, shoot first or be the victim.
At the end of the day, its all up to you on how to respond in case an unfortunate event happens.
Nobody will be there to play coach for the team/you
Be safe.

Bob club.

In what way have I not been nice? You are new here and appear to be making a lot of assumptions and statements implying that the abilities and will of the members here are lacking even though you haven’t been here long enough to get a real sense of what any of us know or don’t know. Reading just a few of @BeanCounter ’s posts in other threads would let you know that he definitely believes in gun ownership activities as do all the regular posters here. The very few anti self defense folks who wander in to cause trouble don’t hang out for long because they quickly realize they are waisting their time trying to convince us that we would all somehow be safer if we were all defenseless.

I think if you read through more of the threads you will find that a significant number of us take our training and the responsibilities of firearm ownership and self/family defense very seriously. Yes most of us have not been tested with a real life firearm self defense event so we can’t be sure how we will act when the crap hits the fan. But many of us have significantly more firearms and self defense training and practice than the typical LEO who is out there dealing with threats every day.

Many of your points are valid but you shouldn’t assume everyone in your audience here is a complete novice with no clue of the challenges we are facing. The vast majority are here to learn and share what we have learned through polite and respectful conversation.


FWIW, I promise Shamrock has trained/practiced with his firearms and they aren’t just paperweights collecting dust.


Good information. Practice, just like learning how to shoot is important. Knowing where you are when GOD forbid something happens could save your life. Also, know where your firearm is when not on your body. Is it in a safe (where it should be when not on you, especially if there are children in your home) is it under your bed, hidden in your closet, on a magnet inside and above your closet door… wherever it is your ability to get it in your hand as quick as humanly possible could mean the difference between living or dying. Also, know where everyone in the house is and how you can get to them to protect them. Owning a firearm gives you peace of mind but knowing where it is, how to use it, how to navigate your home, your surroundings, could someday save your life and your ability to help protect and save your families lives too. Thank you for your article. Appreciate you making others aware of this critical information.


A lot of Instructors advocate “visualization”. I like this kind of mental training as well.

It’s hard to believe if never tried, but running imaginary scenarios in your mind creates neural pathways that accelerate your responses - just because your brain already saw this.
Human nature of best learning is to simulate the reality and face it when it becomes real.

This perfectly fits our Home Defense. If you have a plan, you simulated several options of incidents in your mind… you have almost 100% chance of winning the fight when it comes. It’s never 100%, because violent encounter is not predictable.


Ok. You do realize that there are some combat trained individuals who are not on this post or a USCCA member, right. My buddy who is an expert at firearms and shooting, who believes in headshots if there is not a member here. He’s x Marine.
Now, being here doesn’t make you a guru of this topic. Gurus dont need to be here forcing their own opinions by way of polite or rude insults, get it.
Combat gurus are quite not talkative people,unless teaching a combat class for whatever reason, not a posting one. But, maybe you and your crowd are the 1% exception…yeah, maybe you are.
You can train the average person/citizen how to aim and shoot, you can teach them many defensive tactics but its a different game once the whistle blows…for your novice who has the right to be here or any where for public use or opinions, right.
Its all on them and there non- combat trained response. So for you novice, learn your gun, how to shoot and if attacked,defend yourself. Oh, for you novice as this guy is putting it…go to a real combat class and training if you want to become like this guy and his combat buds, not here. You will need hands on training from hands on combat pros.
USCCA is for anyone who chooses to join, right USCCA. Hmmm…maybe it should be a USCCA site for just the combat/weapon trained experts to share what each of them already know with each other, yeah nice!:roll_eyes::expressionless:
Don’t nip and I won’t bite…24/7
NOW AGAIN, FOR YOU X OR ACTIVE COMBAT PROS, YES JUST IGNOR ME, NOT A PROBLEM HERE, DO YOUR THING RIGHT, RIGHT. You dont need to view or respond to lil ol novice me and my crowd,hahahaha
BE SAFE AND STAY PROS. Oh, and when I say combat pros, Im talking about those who are NOT military or law enforcement trained. You self made combat pros/trained individuals by way of a training class or back yard.
And maybe I am a lil off key here and amped up…sorry. I take self defense very seriously, as we all should. Im a firearm owner and member here.
So, be safe and do whats right for you, share knowledge but stay humble, everyone is ignorant of something or many things until taught. We can never learn the world in one life time. So, lets stick to home/self defense 101 for us novice who have a right to enter, learn, act and then teach as well.
By for now, my friend…

Clawing and biting? What a bunch of keyboard bs. Why don’t you just shut up tough guy? You have been nothing but an ass since you slithered in here. With your fake-ass bravado and big mouth, I don’t thing you can teach anybody here anything of value.

By the way, no such thing as an ex Marine.


I’m one of them. When shadow boxing/on the bag What is your opponent doing? What if that didn’t work like you thought it would?
I tell our fighters on the way to the cage/ring “Visualize the win, the fight will take care of it’s self…”




How about Marine’s ex? Does it count? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :wink:


Hahahahaha…look whos trying like a bully kid over a lolly pop that he’s too weak to take from the lil dude.
Wow, so tough there yourself it SOUNDS like. Your showing it all now kid…I cant say much in response to this wuss mouth. Hahahahahaha​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I have no idea what your training and experience levels are? Some of what you are posting makes a lot of sense but you are laying it out there in a very pedantic manner that seems to assume we are all significantly beneath your vast knowledge base and have never heard of these concepts before.

There are some extremely experienced people here and there are some complete newbies who are just thinking about buying their first firearm. But whether we have never touched a firearm or have significant combat experience you will get your points across much better if you discuss them with us instead of talking down to us.

I am for sure not a “guru” but I have been fortunate to have some very in depth discussions and training with people with significant experience. Some of those people are right here on this site. The best of them do not assume they know everything and that everyone else knows nothing. They give and receive information in an attempt to make themselves and everyone else better because no one knows it all.

So yes not everyone here is a “guru”, far from it. But the vast majority of us are here trying to learn from the experiences of others by listening to others experiences and respectfully sharing our own.


What a way to kill a lil time guys, really :grin::grin::grin:

I know, once a Marine-always a Marine. But if your no longer serving, your an ex. That’s all.

Real men and certainly real warriors sound nothing like you. They can have big personalities but are usually humble, kind, and steady. They would not dream of such internet bs. They are bigger than such things.

I have watched so very many guys like you just melt in combat. I watched two of the biggest azzhole blowhards I ever saw in a unit loose it when the first tracers got anywhere near them. They lost it to the point that they were actually evacuated from theatre.

I watched another guy who was a loud mouth piss himself and start crying during a pretty mild rocket attack. He was like a walking zombie after that. He left for mental evaluation and we never saw him again.

So, guys that sound like you usually are not worth knowing or talking to. I might have you all wrong, but anyone who is some chat room tough guy is usually not very necessary.

No tit for tat with you loud mouth. Men have no need for such nonsense. Out


Nah, and I wouldn’t walk up to a Marine with that thought to spill out…youll get a crash course in potty mouth training…get it.:wink: