Hollywood and Guns

From the blog post:

Editor’s Note:

We’re happy to announce that Hollywood has finally produced a specifically faith-based, pro-2A movie. Patrick Johnston has adapted his novel The Reliant as a feature film starring Kevin Sorbo. The Reliant will premiere at select cinemas across the country on Oct. 24, 2019. Watch for our special USCCA report in the days leading up to its release.

Would you go see a faith-based, pro-2A movie in the theaters? Post your why in a response. :movie_camera:

  • Yes
  • No

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Fantastico Hoo-ah I would see it if it gets ratings that politicians hate I’m going


I will definitely be goin to see The Reliant in theaters. It’s basically everything I’m trying to promote.


@Dawn @45IPAC Hey guys if anyone is interested and wants a sneak-peek there’s a few Trailers of “The Reliant” posted on YouTube now.


It’s only in the theaters for 1 (yes ONE) day!



Maybe it’s a test market to see what kind of impact it makes and the demographics it speaks to???


Maybe I won’t see it in the theater. But, I will see it.


Depends on whether the theater is gun free or not.

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I will see it if I can. Since it is only showing for one day, it’s going to be a challenge. Sounds like a great premise for a movie that has the potential to show that you can be a person of faith and still be a defender of freedom, family and friends without being a psychopath. Hmm :thinking:, does that sound like anybody we know? I’m guessing many of us fall into this group.

Stay safe and vigilant!


Proverbs 22:3 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

A prudent man(woman): a cognizant, wise, responsible individual
foreseeth the evil: is awake to their present surroundings and future possibilities
and Hideth him(her)self: means to make reasonable and effective preparations to withstand the evil. It does not mean to run and hide pretending that something can’t or will not happen to me
But the simple pass on: obvious contrast. The unwary, naive and irresponsible man/woman does just that, ignores reality by clinging to the illusion that real life doesn’t apply to me
And are punished: suffer the consequences of not “hiding”. We reap what we sow

Therefore, the truly prudent folk shall foreseeth evil with situational awareness, shall hideth upon themselves sufficient EDC and shall live with intention to not suffer the punishments the simple will surely reap by sowing the ignorance of leaving their life in evil’s hands unprepared.

PS: Lord forgive me if using this verse to justify an armed society is slightly out of context!


Voted No. I don’t go into theaters.


It is at a theater near me that last time I checked did NOT have a no weapons sign posted.


Tickets bought son and I are going