Have you ever been asked why do you carry?

@Doug11 So now that I know you conceal carry… why do you carry a firearm?


“Neo, take the red pill”!

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People these days seem to forgot that one of the main reasons we need to maintain our liberty is our right to choose.
Great answer - “BECAUSE I CHOOSE TO”.


I love it think I will have some made to leave at restaurants I happen to visit.

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Just answer them back with the same mannerism. Tell them you carry for the same reason they have house, car and health insurance. Not to use, but to have just in case. Then turn your head as if something else has your attention and walk away. Period.


I never let it be known that I carry…
A friend on another continent is one who knows, very anti gun. His ridiculous questions on “why”… I reply …"if you have had two home invasions you would carry as well.

I was wrong there as in his country, owning a gun for self defense is not a reason for a permit to have a gun.

Stupid is as stupid legislates.


I tell them I carry because people are not taught to respect other people and you have to protect yourself and your family.


I answer the same way every time when asked why I carry - “So you don’t have to”.

My mother-in-law “hates guns” so I keep them all visible and she never visits. LOL


I have to ask, do you really lose friends from saying you believe in Jesus? My experience with people is almost everyone has some sort of belief, thats the only reason I ask.

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My Neos takes brass pills. :slight_smile:


In the 70s the FBI infiltrated the SDS, Students for a Democratic Society. It was a far left group that used violence like planting bombs at police stations, think Bill Ayers. The undercover agent told of a meeting he attended where people with advanced degrees discussed what they were going to do when they took control of the government. When the subject of what to do with people who wouldn’t go along with their way they said re-education camps . When asked what about the people who still wouldn’t comply their answer was elimination. Then came to the estimate of having to kill approximately twenty five million Americans.
These same “students” are now teaching at our universities and in government. Let that sink in.


I’ve been asked once in the last year and I kept it short and to the point, “As the bread winner in my home, my wife and kids expect me home every day to continue the life I was blessed with and in today’s environment coming and going is not guaranteed” And as you know we reside in the Castle Doctrine State of Pa. which allows me to protect myself, my family & friends and hopefully you if ever put in the position, now have a blessed day Sir or Maa’m.

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Keep it basic. Why do you carry a gun?
To protect and defend innocent life. That says it all with no intelligent rebuke possible.


ive actually had a gun pulled on me in traffic, guy in a red Mercedes benz because of road rage, ive been carrying since.


Next time anyone EVER asks you such a socialist question of WHY you need or want ANYTHING, this is my response and one that may also possibly fit for you.

Tell them that is STRICTLY a socialist question which can lead to nothing more than complete tyranny. That’s why.

NEVER AGAIN do I EVER want to hear anti-gunners ask why we ‘need’ firearms or ‘need’ high capacity magazines. EVER. EVER!

These past few tragic days have proven why the Second Amendment is NON-NEGOTIABLE.

But that hasn’t stopped anti-gunners from continuing their mission to disarm honest American citizens.

George Soros and Michael Bloomberg are spending millions of dollars to elect anti-gunners who will DESTROY the Second Amendment.

It’s clear that elected officials in America’s biggest cities – those that unfortunately face the highest level of crime – cannot and will not keep us safe.

Even before the riots began, a report shows that “violent crime INCREASED during lock-downs” in cities like Baltimore, Cincinnati, and Denver.

So it’s no surprise that gun sales have SURGED during these past few months as more and more Americans realize the importance of the Second Amendment.

But that infuriates anti-gunners like Soros and Bloomberg, who believe that only the elite are entitled to protect themselves from violent threats.

Now more than ever, we must continue fighting to ensure that EVERY patriot can FULLY exercise his and her God-given right to bear arms and which is also Constitutionally backed. PERIOD.

In Liberty.


here, here…exactly


excellent. just absolutely excellent.


Thank you Robert. Sharing these EVERYWHERE!

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Back when my county loosen the restrictions on getting a CCW, me and a few friends went down to get one. The Deputy was kind of a jerk, making remarks like " This guy lives in the suburbs, you know that high crime area". When the deputy saw where I lived, he didn’t say a peep. He knew that where I lived it was a high crime area. Now the Sheriff and his guys are really cool and helpful. So when I get asked that I tell people where I live and they just nod.

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I carry concealed should I ever encounter a life threatening situation where I need to defend myself or my family. It is my obligation to protect my loved one’s.

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