Harry S Truman

In my memory, Truman was our last “solid” Democratic President - when I was a BABY! As a Senator, he showed extraordinary patience when he sat and listened in committee meetings, and actually toured the country to expose corruption and waste in government construction projects. One of his few failures was underestimating Stalin during the Potsdam conference - and not taking Churchill’s advice to the contrary - leading to the mess of the Cold War.

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According to rumors, President Clinton was pretty solid. Beneath his desk, at least.


Clinton - at least in my opinion - had the potential of a Mt. Rushmore President, but he lacked the usual force of will - an ongoing joke was that when Hillary disappeared from the White House, she was taking his pants somewhere to have the zippers welded shut. By the way, how’d that “smartest woman in the world” nonsense work out for ya?

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Not to be discing Harry but, what about J.F.K? or either the Roosevelts?


You’ll have to pull up bios on these three - for the details. Theodore Roosevelt - FDR’s older cousin - was a Republican, fought as a “Rough Rider” in the Spanish-American War, had the Panama Canal built, made us a naval power to be reckoned with, earned a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese War, and went after companies that had become monopolies. FDR brought us close to socialism or fascism - your choice - confiscated privately-owned gold, and interned Japanese-American citizens in concentration camps during WWII - these people lost everything. George Takei (Mr. Sulu) spent part of his childhood as a government POW. Kennedy’s infamous “pool parties”, his reliance on “Dr. Feelgood”, and his womanizing made him as pure as the driven slush.


Crouching tiger - hidden cigar! Did he smoke 'em before, or AFTER they dried out?

I don’t know how those games work. I’ve never had a problem with women throwing themselves at me.

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Teddy was my choice of modern day Presidents. The difference of all of them is where they got caught in any of the below the radar stuff they did. We made them all larger than life.

I don’t have a problem with it either, it just never happens.

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