100 year old vet has his say

and it ain’t exactly pretty… IMHO…


No big mystery, here. You can trace our fall from FDR’s administration to the weak, worthless men and women we’ve had since. Harry S Truman was the last really strong Democratic President we had - LBJ’s policies broke up many strong minority families during his time. Two additions to my “Never Confuse” list could be Govern versus Rule, and Administration versus Regime.


Maybe we should recognize when it’s our turn. We need to make this right! Can’t let him go, thinking it was all for nothing! “ LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND”.
Unless you’re Brandon! Unforgivable!


Amen. :rage:

That’s called “Giving a damn”. This gentleman fought for and cares about our Country and our Liberties. He’s fought for and watched for 100 years and can see it happening.


Saw that this morning, if Democrats or RINO’s don’t behave, should we have another civil war in America to keep Americans free!


No man means no man. Everyone is forgivable. It is the act we could hate not the person. It is the only thing sustainable if we want OUR country to survive. My 2 ¢

Sorry! There’s no sweet talking this anymore. People died for this country and it’s golden way of life. ( Our streets are no longer paved with the proverbial gold, what color is fentanyl? ). They are turning this country into what everyone is running from! He’s the classic case of a man with delusions of grandeur! Actually he’s the epitome!

And for one Brandon to tear it all down in less than 18 months, what took 246 years to build, is totally unforgivable, the man and the act and the office he’s disgraced world wide.

I can only think of one dictator that’s done worse, Brandon is catching up! I forgave Obama! But when they installed this one and he went berserk with a pen, all bets were off! It’s not just him either. How do you install people in our House who feel that “some people did something”, seriously, forgive these people?

He made a mockery of the very office and nation I once swore an oath to protect. He outright lied when he placed his hand on the Bible!
I respected the office when Obama was in. Not the man! There’s no honor, no integrity, no courage, there’s only shame and embarrassment in that house!

Once we wash away the shame, maybe we can repair what the usurper disgraced! We still have two more years of this evil.

Please let me know how you feel when your neighborhood is overrun, gas hits $15.00 a gallon and food is non existent! We can’t prepare for what’s coming.

He’s as unforgivable as Hitler, unless you’ve forgiven him, how about Osama, we forgiving him as well? I’m questioning who’s worse, Biden or Putin? Putin hasn’t destroyed Russia, he hit Bidens bank, Ukraine! At least Putin had enough respect to not hit Ukraine until Trump left. That’s respect for the man and the office! Only half our country gave Trump that much respect! Now we are living the other half.

He gets no pass on this! His legacy is destruction, pure and simple! I know your heart to be in the right place, but betrayal can never be forgiven!

Happy 4th! I loved this country when it was ours! As to the possible next question, just say when and where!


I can forgive any man. That doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be held accountable for his crimes. Innocent until proven guilty.


Appreciate that, but none of these people will ever be held to account. They can’t or won’t even find the people responsible for the Supreme Court leak.

What’s worse is the clown committee, they are “treading” all over the American way of life, just to keep a businessman out of office. A man who exposed us to the underlying truth of the swamp!


Can I get a Mike drop! :clap: Booyah!


imho bama is having his 3rd term right now…

and don’t forget the liberal world order that they claim they’re doing this for!!!


And that’s the reason Biden works from his home and Obama is in the White House with Susan Rice dictating the whole enchilada for Biden to follow according to Obama’s plan!


Very moving. Very sad. At 100 years old he should be rejoicing every sunrise, flowers and green grass.
Not seeing his world he and others fought and died for, go down the toilet of the swamp. :cry:


It is really a shame how things (people, politicians) are changing our values and ideals that were the foundation this country was built on.


our education system is the main culprit IMHO…


I was never in combat but I’m a Vietnam veteran and agree with you. They are giving our country away and want us disarmed so we can’t fight back to keep our freedom and one nation under God .


My choices would be education system, followed closely by the demise of the nuclear family.
Call me a sexist if you want, but when moms started having to work to help make ends meet, that was the demise of the nuclear family. Yes, times were very different when I grew up, but SO much better than today.


Let us not be deceived by the media. Ask yourself how you felt about our country in 2018. If you felt differently then the bulk of those people are still alive, they are values their character traits are still with us. Therefore, the media has told his lies so long we’re starting to believe them. How many terrible people do you personally know? That is an indicator that our country has not deteriorated but only our listening source has deteriorated. We must let people know that the dark side is using our public platform for their agenda . Therefore we need to just make our voices known and take up space on that platform with the facts that America Is still the same it’s just we have let people who do not support our values have audience when it should not be given.


@Orson :+1: welcome to our community, we are glad to have you here. :us: