Happy July: What are your training goals for July?


goals are 6 trips to the range focusing on several pointsā€¦ increased accuracy with my handguns, quicker switch from handgun to rifle and rifle to handgun, continued improvement on both off hand and one hand shooting, finally getting the wife to the range to allow her to get comfortable with my handgunsā€¦ she has always been very resistant to guns and gun trainingā€¦


The biggest one is that my lovely wife will be taking the KY CCDW course on the 5th. Iā€™ve hired an instructor for a private class for her and me. She prefers that I take it with her and, again, refreshers NEVER hurt.

Iā€™ll be taking my .45 1911 and she will be taking her Shield .380.


Curious as to why youā€™re training for this? Home defense? :thinking:

Does your wife have a gun she likes? I know a lot of people who become much more comfortable when they have their ā€œownā€ gun. It might be a placebo affect, but Iā€™ve seen it work. :slight_smile:

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i train with the rifle / handgun more as a civil defense than home defenseā€¦ although it is just a small amount of my training time i find it important as wellā€¦ while i dont always have one of my rifles with me i want to be very proficient with it in case of active shooter, public civil unrest or any other larger scale eventā€¦

with the wife, she has only been shooting once and it intimidated herā€¦ i have trained her on the use including chambering a round etcā€¦ i think if i get her out again i can make some progress,


The first time I took my mom, she was intimidated. The second time I took her, I rented a .22 and we went when it was really quiet at the range. That made a HUGE difference!

Good luck, @Lew!


Thanks, will definitely focus on the 22 and 380


training for July:

  • minimum 2x week at the range
  • sort out a membership at one of the outdoor ranges
  • sort out my CC with my new EDC
  • minimum 2x IDPA or IPSC practice events
  • one Well Armed Woman event or meeting/practice

Things Iā€™m working on but might take more than July to accomplish:

  • get my Right and Left one-handed accuracy up to my two-handed accuracy
  • work on getting my Canik stovepiping worked out (grip/position retraining)
  • get my EDC accuracy up to my Canik accuracy
  • memorize the firearm and knife laws that apply for MO, MI, IN, IL, OH, WI
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I hope to get out to the range at least once. Finances are my limiting issue. I also plan on making Mondays ā€˜training dayā€™ doing dry fire training at home. I also need to get my 12 guage to the range for familiarisation firing.


Iā€™m going to build 2 ar rifles. The first will just be assembly of the lower, since I already have the built upper. The second will be a complete build top to bottom. Iā€™m looking forward to the challenge. :grin:


Have you gotten a chance to do your dry fire training yet today, @Henry_A?

I know a lot of people at the USCCA Headquarters do dry fire training religiously. One gentleman I know does at least 15 minutes of dry fire or draw from holster drills two times a day.

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Nope, not today, got involved in a project outside. Hope to train tomorrow A.M. thanks for the ā€˜kick in the rearā€™!


I was at a Habitat for Humanity build yesterday (and have the sunburn to prove it :wink: ), so I didnā€™t get a chance to kick you in the rear yesterday. Did you get any training in, @Henry_A?

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Meant to update on this earlier. Both of us passed the written and the live-fire tests. No big surprise. Hereā€™s her shot pattern on the target. Have to get 11 of 20 in the circle. Target is B-21CNSP5X at seven yards.


My goal is to get my wifeā€™s first gun, an M&P Shield 380 EZ, off of layaway. Iā€™m gradually working her into firearms and training. Iā€™m former US Air Force so Iā€™ve had a little training but consider both of us newbies so we can train together from here. I have a Russian IMEZ Makarov 380. I want us to eventually be running 9mm. So getting her Shield then getting to the range is our goal.


Sounds like an excellent goal @Stormryder! Training together is a smart decision :grin:
Welcome to the group!