Gun Store Owner Defends Approval of Biden Background Check Rule


Americans are innocent until proven guilty. Nobody can prove they are not going to commit a crime. Everyone has the right to defend themselves as long as they don’t commit a crime doing it. It is not my 2A right that I have to defend, that is politics. It is life itself.


one whose website advertises “we specialize in Paramilitary weapons, military weapons, pistols, etc.”

Say what? What business is hoping to draw customers interested in “military weapons, etc”?


It just goes to show you people (in business and life in general these day’s are stupid)
Just because you sell guns, crockery, Pot whatever doesn’t mean you are immune from being INFECTED by WOKISM, Extremism or Left Leaning Ideologies.
YOU WOULD THINK a Firearms dealer would understand his clientele and be SUPPORTIVE of 2A and Gunner’s RIGHTS and wary of .gov INTRUSION and OVER REACH but DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
this gentlemen is typical of the bassakwards thinking of People today. ‘Maybe if I tow the party line I will be left alone by the Brown Shirts and sell more guns’? OR Maybe he wants to ‘feel good’ about selling hardware to just the GOOD PEOPLE? All I do know is he may have just put himself out of business.
Because knowing fellow Gunner’s as I think I do a Person, Place or idealism can destroy a FFL, Range or associated business if your Policy change is contretemps to the beliefs of your customer base.
Just ask DICK’S how the Pickle Ball business is compared to when he sold Gun’s 

Sportsman’s Warehouse (Albuquerque) where they DO NOT ALLOW their employees who sell guns to be Armed (that’s just shite stoopid) I AM NOT working in a place where anybody can look at and hold firearms (or bring one in from the outside) and My GAT is up in my second floor Locker) UNLOADED!
CABELA’s cares more about ANNOYING their customers by badgering people who just wish to shop by signing them up for their REWARD’S PROGRAMS I’ve seen people leave disgusted (and probably never come back) because the employees walk around with those sign up cards and ‘Hit’ people up all the time.
Who needs that noise? They hit you as you walk in, they hit you as you shop and THEN then try as you leave. NICE! and BUH BYE! Cabela’s.
I just want to be left alone in more way’s than .gov annoyances. When I have Hot Cash burning a hole in my pocket and I get the urge to buy Guns, Ammo, and all the accoutrements (I probably don’t need)
Just leave me alone, let me browse and let me spend. If I have a question I will ask. If I wish to sign up for a rewards Program I’ll do so. In my own good time.
Badgering or WOKE policies will make me leave and never come back.

It’s not like this guy is the only Firearms dealer in town Amirite?
Maybe he could get a job running a 'DQ"?

I long for the days where you could just go into Wally World and buy a ton of Ammo or Gun and then shop for food! heavy sigh!


I don’t think it is a bad thing if it encourages people to save innocent lives.


IDK if it makes you feel better to defend yourself against these anti-gun (or whatever you want to call them) articles. I have nothing against that. I feel it is better to have a counter offense. To each his own. Whatever gets one there.


What exactly did you think I was saying?


[ Eff Bee Eye ]


Exactly what you said. I don’t know any other way to answer that.
Unless you meant something other than what you said.

What I said yesterday
 :crazy_face: Because we sure do. :roll_eyes:


If you would have said what business isn’t hoping to draw customers interested in military weapons,ect?
It would have made more sense, since that is what we are trying to do. It seem like you are trying to defend yourself for something you should be doing.

I haven’t clicked to the article, but is it really surprising that an FFL, who would stand to increase their sales/business/revenue through additional transfers handled by them, supports the law that would result in more people using their business?


I thought the same thing. Conforming to what the .gov wants to stay in business. :roll_eyes:


It is a honeypot, and steer clear, is what I said.


Oh, that is exactly right. Will not exactly, metaphorically. Couldn’t agree more. Sorry for not getting that from what you actually said.

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Now I think the article was written with the help of artificial intelligence.


Well said. I wouldn’t even consider one of those “big box” sporting apparel stores that may also have guns or ammo. I don’t even feel comfortable in these huge modern ranges with all their rules (like no rapid fire). WTF? Am I supposed to ask the bad guy to move very slowly and fall down after the first hit, because I’m only allowed to practice slow fire??

My LGS is a small family business, owned and run by a USCCA instructor who is as pro2A as a guy can get. They let me practice how I see fit at their range. I like supporting a business like that. If he doesn’t have the gun I want in stock, he’ll order it for me at the same prices I see on line. I hope he never goes the way of the small lumber yards and hardware stores after Home Depot and Lowes took over the home improvement business. I fear the gun range and retail industry is going that that direction.


I read yesterday on MSN :face_vomiting:
That the gubment tried to cancel the ‘Shooting sports’
but Congress and the PRO 2A community cancelled the cancel :crazy_face:
and now will set-up Shooting Ranges on BLM lands and Forest lands
so the public have access to Shooting sports. HUZZAH!
(and while my distrust in .gov is heightened in the last 4 years it
can be a good sign once there is a permanent change in administration)

Finally, I am not holding my breath it will ever happen in my lifetime
It’s nice to see SOME MF’er’s in .gov thinking about somebody other than themselves.

We are the forgotten Citizenry.
Everybody from the Newcomer to (well why name call) is looking for a handout these days
We the Tax Paying Citizens get zip.
And that’s OK too, I don’t want a Handout, I just want to be left alone.


Used the google machine for some research. The store is open from Noon to 5 PM except Sunday (closed). Owner is flat out confused. Remember, PA elected John Fetterwoman to the US Senate~


Reading the article, the owner thinks he is losing potential sales to the face-to-face sales at gun shows. By making gun show sales much harder, he hopes to drive customers into his store. My personal opinion
 he is likely losing far more sales to the big box BassPro/Cabelas type stores than he does to F2F sales.