A nice fun story from my inbox this morning I had to share. I read this as I look out my office window at a couple turkeys staring at their reflection in one of our truck driver’s car. Ah fall is in the air!
If I know one thing about life; it’s that you cant hide things from women! Lol
Nope, you can’t!
BINGO!!! Easier to just tell her, or even better marry a woman that likes guns too. The only problem is then you end up losing them to her, Don’t ask how I know…
If you purchase the gun leave the box in the car and conceal the gun in your clothing and put it in your safe. In my case my wife never checks my guns. Put the box and manual away later.
@Enzo_T when you said BINGO I thought you would sign her up for bingo on certain nights and that’s when you do the deed.
I guess I am still a rookie, 31 years in, as I tell my wife, not only after, but before buying, except once, when I just happened to find one I had wanted. I hadn’t bought one in quite awhile, so she did not mind, and she saw that I was pleased with my find (it was my PX-4 in .45ACP) - still my favorite, my wife, too.
My money, my guns. One of the best things is to setup an allowance fund; money you can spend any way you want, no questions. Of course in my case… it is ohhhh what did you get?!? Followed usually by when can we shoot it?
Here is the best way to handle this situation. Save up twice as much as the gun costs. Then tell her what the gun costs, tell her you bought it, and give her cash equal to the gun purchase, and tell her to buy something she wants.
Problem avoided. Now my wife asks, “Isn’t there a gun you want? I have something I would like to buy.”
It’s fair, balanced and equitable. Sneaking around is because you’re too cheap and selfish to be fair to your wife. What is the message you are sending, guys?
Man if my wife would bust me buying some guns without her knowledge it would be this:fist_right: And this would be me
don’t do it fellas.
HA!!! Yeah my wife is not the Bingo type. She has the patience of a gnat…
I know a few guys that would fit in well with that group . Thankfully I have a supportive wife who loves to shoot. She lets me buy and trade freely. I’m a pretty lucky fella.
I can understand my wife supports. And now owns the AR, in return she bought me this! On my birthday when they arrived in the US.
Shoots like a dream, 11 lb trigger takes some getting used to, I’m used to it! She can keep the AR. Ain’t love grand?
One of my favorite Youtubers did a nice video with some tips:
My favorite: sneak it in via a 2 gun case, & then a couple of months later … “What, this old thing?”.
My wife doesn’t ask questions about my gun purchases unless I come to her and seek a stipend from the house. I’ve only done that once and it was a multi $1K gun. We have a $1K rule now. If it costs more than 1$1K we should talk about it unless it is a present. In our younger years it was $100 present or no. She has no idea what I have and I am not particularly willing to hide it if she asks but then again I have no idea what she has in stamping and card craft stuff.
My problem now is that she want’s a gun and none of the ones I have will fit her or more precisely fit her intended goals. I know she can carry open, I know she can shoot my 45’s bu I have nothing to offer her to conceal. We are taking a trip this weekend and there are 2 to 7 gun shops that I may stop in because it’s “MY trip”. I detest the .380 and the 9mm is not far behind that but I recognize that SOMETHING is better than nothing and from there it all comes down to deliver-ability of rounds to a vital target.
Something for instructors to think about when teaching folks with under powered firearms. Shot placement is paramount. It is easy to say 2 to the chest one to the head but it is far more practical to say 2 to the chest and one to the neck above the chest. As we have learned recently NINE rounds of 9MM at close proximity netted a man in the hospital paralyzed from the waist down.
… and the followed-up with “… if you ever do that again, I’ll …”
Here’s a follow-up question for everyone: Who has to be a little more creative with so many people working from home?
It isn’t worth smuggling a gun home. The love of my life used to be an accountant and she keeps a record of everything kept in the house Yes, in my youth I may have tried and things like the old gun case or bring the gun home in pieces and put it together later could work. But when she does her annual inventory for insurance she would notice. So my method is negotiate. She also files all paperwork ,with serial numbers, to match up with inventory in case of claims for loss. Not just guns but tools and sporting equipment. The only one she didn’t know about was a old Saturday night special that I had for years. One day during cleaning she noticed a small nickle plated pocket pistol and wanted to know why it wasn’t on the list. So now all is well in the record department and peace runs deep in the house.