The latest school shooting. Other sources are saying 4 dead and as many as 30 injured. They are not saying all 30 injuries are gunshots.
Sources saying 4 fatalities:
High school
It will be interesting to see what we learn in the coming days/weeks.
The latest on the CNN site
"Four people were killed in the shooting, according to the GBI. Nine others were transported to hospitals with injuries.
Law enforcement sources said earlier approximately 30 people were injured in the shooting. It was unclear how many of those injuries are from gunshot wounds; the information is preliminary and subject to change."
Also, shooter is believed to be a 14 year old boy.
Uh Oh you know what this means for us.
First day of school The democrats sending out their killers earlier this year! But sorta obvious, it’s very close to an election
They couldn’t kill the former president, so, back to the old tactics of school shooters! Democrats are so phuckin predictable!
I don’t need to wait for the specifics. How many times have they done this❓Every election and every school opening!
Good thing there were “Gun Free Zone” signs posted! My bad those were not posted!
What is posted are “Weapon-free and Violence-free School Safety Zones”
Notice it doesn’t say “Gun FREE zone”
I don’t get it, they should have been safe! Am I being too cold, absolutely.
Vote Kamala, I dare you! We’ve started the new school year off beautifully, Hamas at colleges, democratic shooters at high schools!
If everything goes according to plan we should be starting a war in some country around the world! Or perhaps there be some poor law enforcement officers involved in a criminal shooting situation!
But let’s not worry about Venezuelan murder gangs taking over cities!
This sh1t is soooo predictable!
To the families, sorry for your loss, you know who you should be voting for! Don’t arm your teachers, defund the police and by all means put up more phuckin signs. I’m tired of hearing all this crap every school year!
You want cold, I don’t care anymore, this will be an ongoing investigation for the rest of our lives!
Vote for law and order, not Visa cards and free hotel rooms for ILLEGALS
All I can say is that when I was in school during the 50’s and 60’s things were quite different. Just looked up mass shooting during those years and it was “almost” nonexistent, yet almost every household had guns and safes were virtually unheard of. Take morality out of the schools and this is what you can expect. We talked back to a teacher and it was swats, a ruler and the principal’s office. Then the wrath of our parents! That’s all changed today. Don’t need to explain it, we all know it. We are now reaping what we’ve sowed, and it’s only going to get worse if we don’t bring some real discipline back in our schools and in the homes.
just my opinion mind you…
thinkin much of this may be caused by indoctrination and lack of any real discipline in schools now a days???
seems like in some school systems bullies are not only allowed to bully and make others miserable…
but are encouraged to do what they do… by a lack of disciplining them???
result some young people get fed up and go off the deep end so to speak…
teens and hormones n such can make young folks extremely volatile…
and sorry to the families that lost members…
It was not even looked at if you brought a gun into school and put it in your locker in the fall. Teachers and students knew you were just going hunting with someone after school. maybe even one of the teachers. All of us had pocketknives. And you are right about getting out of line in school, man do I remember Miss Kelly’s board. That baby hung right inside her classroom door. She was not afraid to use it either. Then you had to go home and face the music. NOT ANYMORE> GO TO TIMEOUT -What a joke.
Question… how long will it take the lefties to start the old gun control rant again? My guess, it’s already be written. Wonder if “joyful” knee pats and tampon tim join in???
Big surprise.
FBI says accused Georgia high shooter was on FBI’s radar last year | Watch (
Already did.
This is Parkland massacre all over! Very similar pattern of inaction.
DISTRACTION EVENT; PLANNEDDon’t believe anything else.
Well said. I was thinking about your point regarding safes, or lack of, the other day as I was locking away guns. We didn’t need safes. All of us (family and friends) had guns. Where I grew up pretty much every household had a gun rack on the wall loaded up with rifles and shotguns. I remember my first woodworking project in 9th grade shop class, I made a gun rack for my bedroom. My brother made a similar one for his. And yet, surrounded by guns, we knew not to shoot each other.
I absolutely agree, at my high school, almost every guy there had a weapon of some sort in his vehicle and yet there was never a thought of shooting anyone at school. Parents took control of their kids. I believe teachers need to be armed in this volatile time. It is sad the world has come to this. This will be blamed on mental issues but I believe it is a parental issue.
Aman, I also made one in shop class.
Me too and I still have it. These days it is described as an antique. I don’t like that because I’m 14 years older than the gun rack
I live close.
I know teachers at the close schools.
One teacher told me today that threats were made online against their school last night, and arrests were made…teacher only found out about it through their students telling them today.